CAMP: Exploring and Supporting Federated Access

An InCommon Federation Primer and Forum for Discussion

Raleigh, North Carolina * June 21-23, 2010 *

Attend the Campus Architecture and Middleware Planning (CAMP) meeting, "Exploring and Supporting Federated Access," June 21-23, 2010, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

CAMP activities for those exploring federated identity include:

  • Hearing case studies and discussing value propositions
  • Learning how to begin federating as an identity or service provider
  • Talking with consultants, service providers, and experienced colleagues to help you get started

CAMP activities for those with production installations in the InCommon Federation include:

  • Discussing emerging practices such as uApprove (a attribute release policy viewer)
  • Getting more out of your participation
  • Learning about future opportunities, such as state federations and operational topics, including federated incident response

Organizations are encouraged to send IT managers, policy and security staff, and technical implementers.

REGISTER BY MAY 10 to save money with low early-bird rates:

FOR THOSE NEW TO FEDERATED IDENTITY, consider attending the pre-meeting seminar, "The Big Picture: Introduction to Federated Identity Management" to learn what it is and how it fits with your identity and access management infrastructure.

ADVANCE CAMP: THE SECOND IDENTITY SERVICES SUMMIT will be held just following the InCommon CAMP. Information can be found on the CAMP landing page:

RESOURCES AND OPPORTUNITIES for learning more about federated identity can be found on the InCommon Federation site:

CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation in cooperation with Internet2 and EDUCAUSE.

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