Here are a few additional follow-up items and points of clarification about Box that I thought might interest the group following this week's Screen to Screen:

  • Identity Guidance: In addition to the materials in the implementation folder, there is a draft identity guidance document available that is designed to assist universities with integrating their identity services with Box. (this will also be revised and expanded in the coming weeks)
  • Feature Requests: Universities that have signed up for the production service will be briefed by the Box Customer Success team on how to submit feature requests for review by the Advisory Board. Universities currently in trials or evaluating Box can submit feature requests or inquire about the roadmap to
  • Accessibility: Internet2 helped organize a working group of campus accessibility experts who recently met with Box's engineering team to review their accessibility roadmap. They are also going to assist with testing and meet with Box regularly to review progress on accessibility. 
  • Deprovisioning: Box built some APIs to support converting user accounts out of the enterprise deployments and into personal lite accounts. Technical documentation is available here.  Universities are still working on the internal processes and rules for how they will implement deprovisioning. We expect that the Early Adopter group as well as the other universities currently signed up for the service will produce some documentation outlining how they deprovision accounts, which will be shared with our community.
  • Account Sizes and Quotas: Universities can set the quotas they want for their end user accounts; most will start with a 20 or 25GB default quota but usage patterns are such that they typically feel comfortable increasing that to 50GB. Note that this is "marketable" storage as opposed to actual used storage space (which is a fixed allocation based on the university's tier of the service). Box is allowing end users whose accounts are deprovisioned / migrated out of the enterprise to Box lite accounts to keep their university-assigned quota permanently (so they would receive a 50GB personal Box account if their university gave them a 50GB).
  • Email Alias Support: Within the past few days, support has been added for end users to be able to add email aliases to their Box accounts. (This is also possible through the Box API.)

Thanks again for inviting me to participate in the Box Screen to Screen event, and, as I mentioned, feel free to write me directly ( or if you have additional questions about the NET+ Box program.


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