Alternative Identity Provider Working Group Aims to Make IdP Deployment Easier

Is your campus making increased use of cloud-based services? Are you caught between the poles of giving people new credentials for every new service, and not knowing where to start on the technical and policy issues related to deploying a federated infrastructure that would allow SSO? Are you interested in accessing this type of framework but have experienced hurdles deploying Shibboleth?

InCommon's Alternative IdPs (Identity Providers) Working Group is seeking to increase participation within InCommon by identifying alternatives for making IdP deployment easier. Examples of such alternatives include outsourcing and alternative technical platforms, such as Microsoft's ADFS. We are looking for representatives who are interested in identifying what the problems are and developing recommendations that would work for them. Examples of problems may be a lack of the technical or staff resources needed to stand up and maintain a locally run IdP, or a management or governance system that presents difficulties.

The Group is also looking for InCommon Affiliates that provide identity services and who have worked with campuses on hosted solutions.

Instead of being focused solely on technical answers, the Group will focus on the implications of pursuing alternative approaches to standing up an IDP. It will also outline the problems a solution solves and what problems it may create.

For more details, please see

From there, log into Confluence to see the Group Charter at

For information on accessing the wiki see,

Join us by sending an email to with the following subject line: subscribe alternative-idp (or visit the alternative-idp list manager directly).

The first meeting will be scheduled soon.

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