We’ve created some new dynamic web pages intended to give you more information about all of the services available throughout the InCommon Federation. Specifically, we want to make it easier to identify and promote services, and therefore increase the value of federation to everyone.

On the InCommon website, you will now find a list of all identity providers and service providers deployed in the federation (https://incommon.org/federation/all-entities.html). You’ll see tabs for IdPs and SPs at the top of the page. This will complement the list of all InCommon participants.

This past summer, each organization was asked to provide a number of new metadata elements for each identity provider and/or service provider registered in the federation (called entities). We’re using that information to create an individual web page that includes:

  • the name and logo for the service provider/identity provider
  • a short description
  • a URL that leads to additional information
  • a URL that leads to a privacy statement
  • contact information (names and email addresses for the administrative, technical, and support contacts in metadata)
  • for service providers, a list of requested attributes

One reason we’re exposing this information is to increase the value of the federation for sponsored partners by showing more information about the services they provide. We also hope this helps current participants find new services with which they can federate.

If you go to your entity page(s) and see that some information is missing, your site administrator can make the fix by adding the appropriate elements to your metadata. In particular, you’ll see a number of service providers listed under “other.” Your administrator can fix that simply by providing a display name in metadata.

More information is available in the FAQ on the InCommon Collaborate wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/5IOVAQ.

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