Attending: Brad Christ, Ann West, Chris Misra, Christine Miki, Rachana Ananthakrishana, Marc Wallman, Kristi Holmes, Bernard Gulachek, Jim Stewart, Ashrab Ahmed, Kim Milford

Regrets: Laura Paglione, Sean Mooney

With: Elaine Alejo, Kevin Morooney, David St Pierre Bantz, Steve Zoppi, Albert Wu, Keith Wessel, Jeremy Livingston,


  1. InCommon Steering subcommittee 2024 roster approvals
      1. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
        1. no one opposed, unanimously accepted
      2.  Community Trust and Assurance Board (CTAB)
        1. no one opposed, unanimously accepted
  2. Executive Committee voting
    1. Marc Wallman - Chair
    2. Chris Misra - Vice Chair
    3. Rachana Ananthakrishnan - Secretary
      1. No one opposed, 3 recused (Marc, Chris, Rachana), unanimously approved
    4. The proposed slate 
  3. Introductions of new members
    1. Kim Milford - University of Illinois
    2. Sean Mooney - University of Washington
    3. Ashrab Ahmed- National Institutes of Health
  4. Futures2 Strategy Report update


Approval of subcommittee rosters

CTAB: David Bantz gave some highlights about the nominations- large new incoming rooster, very large pool this year, new roster composed of both industry and international nominees, 

TAC: Albert Wu noted that the Chair and Vice Chair are both returning

Both incoming rosters were approved unanimously 

Approval of InCommon Executive Committee

Voting was unanimous for the slate proposed.  No opposition, 3 recusals.  

Introductions from and to new members of the committee

IJeremy Livingston will be leaving the committee and Laura Pagilone has come to the end of her second term.  The committee thanked both of them both for all their contributions.

Futures2 report update

We have received the final first draft of the strategy report from SecondMuse, with the goal to come up with a plan for T&I in the next 5 years.  They have gone through  many activities to talk with folks throughout the community, and have  come up with a process on how to move forward.

Internet2 staff reviewed it at their all staff  retreat last week, and now it will be going to the Steering Futures2 group working on the report.  It will be brought to the whole steering committee after the first of the year. 

Internet2 staff  spent 2 hours together talking it through and exchanging ideas which brought a lot of excitement and suggestions from the staff. We will begin guiding the community through the beginning of the year. A lot of positive ideas came out of the meeting. 

Meeting adjourned 

Next meeting Jan 8th, 2024


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