Attending:  Kristi Holmes, Jim Stewart, Ann West, Christine Miki, Jeff Erickson, Marc Wallman, Laura Paglione, Brad Christ, Chris Misra, Jeremy Livingston

Regrets:Bernie Gulachek, Dave Robinson, Rachana Ananthakrishnan

With: Second Muse Neisan Massarrat, Mina Aiken, Sam Letscher, Anne Dodge, Elaine Alejo, David Bantz, Steve Zoppi, Kevin Morooney, Margaret Cullen, Albert Wu, Keith Wessel, John Krienke, 


  1. Policy Documents Housekeeping - Following up on our last call, we will conduct two votes to accept the non-material changes to the following documents:
    1. InCommon Federation Operating Policies and Practices
      1. July 10, 2023 Minutes and discussion from last month.
      2. Redline for approval
    2. (new) InCommon Participation Agreement
      1. Redline for approval
      2. The changes can be found on pages 13 and 15 include address, phone number and URL updates.
  2. Futures2 Planning
    1. Please review the very short slide deck and Futures2 Kickoff Brief prior to joining the call
    2. We're forgoing more presentations and background on the Futures2 process and SecondMuse (our planning partner)  in lieu of discussing the following provocative questions:
      1. What market pressures, players, trends, environmental challenges are driving change that the community needs to solve for in the next 5 years?
      2. Where are the biggest gaps in InCommon's current activities and strategies? 
      3. Where are the biggest opportunities for InCommon to grow and evolve our activities and strategic impact? Where can we add more value?
      4. What additional questions and areas of inquiry do we need to collectively explore?


InCommon Federation Operating Policies & Practices and the InCommon Participation Agreement voting

    1. Voting to approve both
    2. Dave Robinson approved via email
      1. quorum was achieved and the vote on the changes for the FOPP and PA were passed without objection or discussion, unanimously.
      2. Jim Stewart made a Motion to approve , Chrisitne second -  all were in favor

Furtures2 planning

SecondMuse shared easyretro board- comments can be seen at the link

Meeting ajourned

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