These instructions are for the developer team to build container images provided by the COmanage project. See these links to build your own container images for Registry and for Match.

The current AWS CodeBuild project is deleted and then recreated to reset the build number back to one (1). This does not delete logs saved in CloudWatch for previous builds.

  1. Delete the current AWS CodeBuild project:

    aws codebuild delete-project --region us-east-2 --name <comanage-registry|comanage-match>
  2. Create a new AWS CodeBuild project using the comanage-registry JSON template or comanage-match JSON template. You must edit the template to add current token values for authenticating to Docker Hub and GitHub:

    aws codebuild create-project --region us-east-2 --cli-input-json file://<comanage-registry|comanage-match>.build.json
  3. Start the build:

    aws codebuild start-build --region us-east-2 --project-name <comanage-registry|comanage-match>
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