1. LIGO signs MOU with external project (eg: SWIFT)
  2. CMP Admin sets up CO (eg: LIGO SWIFT Working Group)
    1. Ideally the LSC Spokesperson/deputy has this role
    2. Note that the MOU expiration date is tied to the default expiration data for CO people
  3. CMP Admin adds first CO Person, who will also be CO Admin
  4. CO Admin sends invitation to non-LIGO researchers (eg: at MIT, at NASA) (CO-308, CO-565)
    1. Name, Email Address
  5. Invitee receives email, clicks URL to accept invitation (CO-308)
  6. Login to platform is required (via SAML, no social) (CO-317)
  7. CMP might pull attributes from IdP if available (CO-311)
    1. ePPN (required), Email Address, Display Name, Given Name, Surname
  8. Notification of enrollment (requirement that LSC Spokesperson is notified, also CO admin) (CO-207, CO-659)
  9. LDAP server provisioning as with other use cases
  10. Per-CO skinning? (CO-154)

Sample LDIF

dn: employeeNumber=XYZ12345,ou=External,dc=ligo,dc=org
eduPersonPrincipalName: albert.einstein@caltech.edu ;from cm_identifiers where type=eppn
employeeNumber: XYZ12345 ;from cm_identifiers where type=employeenumber
mail: albert.einstein@caltech.edu ;from cm_email_addresses where type=office
givenName;lang-en: Albert ;given+middle from cm_names where type=official and lang=en
sn;lang-en: Einstein ;family+suffix from cm_names where type=official and lang=en
cn;lang-en: Albert Einstein ;given+middle+family+suffix from cm_names where type=official and lang=en
o: CO Name ;from cm_co_person_roles
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