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(lightbulb) Identity Assurance at Virginia Tech
(lightbulb) Identity Finder at The University of Pennsylvania
(lightbulb) Washtenaw County Cyber Citizenship Coalition (WC4)
(lightbulb) Who's Watching Charlottesville - Community Based Security Awareness

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About the Guide

This resource provides practical approaches to preventing, detecting, and responding to security problems in a wide range of higher education environments. This online service is designed with colleges and universities in mind, balancing our need for security with the need for an open, collaborative networking environment. Also, because one of the overarching concerns in college and university information technology (IT) departments is a lack of resources, an effort is made to provide low-cost solutions. The target audiences are those responsible for information security in colleges and universities and information technology staff who implement and manage security measures. Recognizing that many institutions have initiated or are in the process of developing IT security programs and policies, an effort is made throughout this resource to present practices that are useful at each stage of the developmental process.


As a community-driven, community-serving project, it is important for this initiative to incorporate experiences and perspectives from many different institutions. To contribute examples of practices that have been effective in your institution, please consider submitting a case study or contact Community members are also encouraged to submit comments throughout this wiki.

Higher Education Information Security Council

EDUCAUSE and Internet2 established the Higher Education Information Security Council (formerly the Security Task Force) in July 2000. The council works to improve information security and privacy programs across the higher education sector through its community members and focused partnerships with government, industry, and other academic organizations. HEISC actively develops and promotes awareness and understanding, effective practices and policies, and solutions for the protection of critical IT assets and infrastructures. Visit the Higher Education Information Security Council website for additional resources or to learn more about the council's Leadership Team and Working Groups.

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(warning) Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).