Terms & Conditions for Cohortium Participation

The MFA Cohortium is advancing the use of MFA in higher education. Cohortium participants share their explorations, experiences, expertise, artifacts, and overall roadmap to learning about, planning for, and deploying multi-factor authentication for a variety of key use cases within each institution, as well as federated access to services. The Cohortium unites a committed group of campuses in a focused 15-month effort to help themselves and others to make real progress towards MFA deployments. It will enable your institution, and higher education more broadly, to answer the questions "where do we need MFA?", "how do we deploy it?", and "what will it cost and what is our ROI?". Focused on the research and education (R&E) community, the Cohortium deals with issues and use cases of particular concern within R&E such as integrating MFA into WebSSO, sensitive data, cloud services, distance learners, bring-your-own-device, and the return on investment (ROI) within the R&E environment.

Program Expectations

  • One pager submission to identify your desire to join the Cohortium, key reasons why you wish to participate, and your willingness to share MFA plans and artifacts more broadly.
  • Must identify at least one individual who will participate in the MFA Cohortium on behalf of the institution. Ideally, a team of individuals, representing key stakeholders for MFA deployment within the institution, would participate. The number of participants from an accepted institution will not be limited.
  • Participate in bi-weekly calls (should have at least one representative on most bi-weekly calls).
  • Actively participate on the mailing list(s), wiki, etc.
  • Contribute artifacts (sample use cases, plans, strategies, planning documents, cost/benefit analyses, etc.) as appropriate.
  • Participating institutions must submit at least one MFA case study, or similar document or artifact, by the Wrap-up Meeting in June 2014.

Vendor Participation

Please see Vendor Participation in the Cohortium for further conditions governing vendor participation in the Cohortium.

Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework

All information shared within or by the Cohortium is subject to the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework.  See http://www.internet2.edu/membership/ip.html for details.

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