Minutes, COmanage-TAC call 21-Sep-2012


Heather Flanagan, Internet2, Chair
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Scott Koranda, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and LIGO
Benn Oshrin, Internet2


VAMP Report

VAMP Workshop in Utrecht Sept 6-7 went wellhttp://www.terena.org/news/fullstory.php?news_id=3230&pearmail=1

- not all grant funds were used
- Heather is working with Nili on the VAMP grant report
- plans to have draft of the grant report for review in next week

- Keith has reported to the Bamboo leadership on VAMP
- they expressed interest in Keith's report

Internet2 and SURFnet MOU

- Ken is reviewing the draft of the Internet2 SURFnet memorandum of understanding
- this document talks about working together on interfederation

- InCommon-TAC is look at priorities going forward and interfederation has gotten a lot of attention.

Inter-CMP Collaboration

- What are the lessons learned from COmanage and COCOA integration work?
- what is needed to integrate CMPs?

- account linking is an important area
   - bi-directional vs single directional
    - flows of attributes from attribute authorities to other places

- such issues will likely be looked at by a task group as part of the NSTIC grant work

- the integration between COmanage and Conext was simpler than other integration scenarios one could imagine

- it was determined that
     - COmanage is good at collecting identities
     - Conext is good at giving access to applications
- VOOT was used to connect COmanage and Conext

Ken: what about moving attributes around and how to do that persistently?

Benn: EPPS is the identifier we used to link identities in CoCoA
- it's a federated environment
- COmanage got the identifier (EPPN) from the IdP
- and Conext got the same identifier from the same IdP
- so the approach was purely SAML

- Context has special knowledge of existence of COmaange
- it's a point-to-point connection,
-  this approach will not be scalable to a larger production approach
- where multiple CMPs want to communicate

- once it has the identifier, Conext asks for the group memberships for the person
- any changes in COmange are reflected in real-time to Conext

- in addition to EPPN, some memberships were shared
- but this was a limited # of attributes being shared

- CoCoA did not address how to handle the situation where the identifier or IdP changes
- COmanage can deal with this
- but identifier changes could cause issues with the applications that Context works with

- there is  "EPPN Prior" in the next rev of EduPerson as a partial solution
- helps for those IdPs that maintain it

Q: what about federated groups?
Do we need to think through  "What are the operations involved with federated groups?"

A: Benn: for CoCoA, we don't need to worry about federated groups

There may be such federated use caess out there, but we have not seen them so far in the COmanage work.

- we should get a few use cases between full fledged CMPs
- like two instances of CoCoA
- or Globus/Nexus and CoCoA

Ken may suggest a topic for ACAMP, Oct 4-5
on what operations are needed to work between autonomous CMPs

2012 Fall Member Meeting
There will be a COmanage BoF on Monday, Oct. 1 http://events.internet2.edu/2012/fall-mm/agenda.cfm?go=session&id=10002531&event=1149
  - plan to demo the COmanage code

Session on "Recursive Collaboration" on Thursday morning, Oct 4 http://events.internet2.edu/2012/fall-mm/agenda.cfm?go=session&id=10002574&event=1149

Heather and Ken will work on an info sheet or handout for FMM based on the CoCOA work.
See https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/download/attachments/10732/2012-COmanage-info-rev.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1348791056111

ADASS Conference


- Scott gave a well received talk in Amsterdam in July at an International astronomy conference
- As an outgrowth of that, Scott will have booth at demo space at
 Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) conference, Nov. 4-8 in IL

- Scott will demo COmanage
- hope is to educate the astronomy community about the space

Ken: need a different kind  of demo for scientists
-showing how quickly a new person can be added to a scientific web space, etc.
- this should be a non-geeky script

Q: should we turn this demo into a youtube video?

Heather: we have talked about running a demo on AdobeConnect and recording that


There will be a REFEDs meeting  in Belgrade, Serbia on 19-Nov.https://refeds.org/meetings/nov12/index.html

Ken is tentatively planning on being there

There is some reorganization happening among European partners such as
JANET, JISC Advance and JISC


Next COmanage-TAC Call: Friday, Oct. 19 at 2pm ET



COmanage BoF at FMM
 Monday, October 1, 2012
 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Recursive Collaboration: Combining Collaboration Tools to Support e-Science (program session)
  Thursday, October 4, 2012
  8:45 AM - 10:00 AM

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