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There are different ways of enabling CAS authentication to protect Grouper resources. These have been tested with Grouper 2.4.0 primarily as a proof of concept, although there is some reports of success from similar configurations based on these.

Here is most recent CAS Grouper doc

Method 1: Tomcat Container Authentication

See also:

The context definition in server.xml for Tomcat looks like this:

<Context docBase="/ucd/opt/grouper-ui/dist/grouper" path="/grouper"
    reloadable="false" mapperContextRootRedirectEnabled="true" mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled="true">

  <Realm className="org.jasig.cas.client.tomcat.v85.PropertiesCasRealm"

       If you do not need to map users to roles via a file use this.
       <Realm className="org.jasig.cas.client.tomcat.v85.AssertionCasRealm" />

  <Valve className="org.jasig.cas.client.tomcat.v85.Cas20CasAuthenticator"

  <!-- Single sign-out support -->
  <Valve className="org.jasig.cas.client.tomcat.v85.SingleSignOutValve"

The following jar files will need to go into the Tomcat lib directory (with current versions as of May 2019):

  • org.jasig.cas.client : cas-client-core (v3.5.1) [Download]
  • org.jasig.cas.client : cas-client-integration-tomcat-common (v3.5.1) [Download]
  • org.jasig.cas.client : cas-client-integration-tomcat-v85 (v3.5.1) [Download]
  • org.slf4j : slf4j-api (v1.7.26) [Download]

In Grouper's WEB-INF/web.xml, comment out the login-config and security-role sections. The security-constraint sections should remain so that authentication is triggered. The role-name can be changed to "*" (or "**" if that doesn't work) to allow all validated users to log in.

For other versions of Tomcat, change v85 to v8, v7, or v6 as appropriate.

Method 2: Client Configuration Using web.xml

This method makes changes solely within the Grouper web application, without affecting the Tomcat configuration.

1. Download the cas-client-core jar file (current version is cas-client-core-3.5.1.jar as of May 2019)

2. Copy the web applications top-level index.jsp to a new subdirectory cas/

3. Edit cas/index.jsp to reference parent directory instead of the current one

<%@ include file="../WEB-INF/grouperUi2/assetsJsp/commonTaglib.jsp"%>
String location="../grouperUi/app/UiV2Main.index?operation=UiV2Main.indexMain";

4. Add to WEB-INF/classes/


5. Add to WEB-INF/web.xml, changing parameters as needed. Based on

  <filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>
    <filter-name>CAS Authentication Filter</filter-name>
  <filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>
    <filter-name>CAS Validation Filter</filter-name>
  <filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>
    <filter-name>CAS HttpServletRequest Wrapper Filter</filter-name>

6. Start Tomcat, check catalina and localhost logs if any startup errors

7. Go to URI /grouper/cas/index.jsp to trigger the start of a CAS session.

Previous way to integrate CAS with Grouper (< 2.4.0)

The yale-cas-auth java jar file is included with the installation of the Grouper UI.  There are a few steps we needed to implement it:

Configuration Steps to enable CAS Authentication
  1. Add the cas authentication piece to the build.xml file in the Grouper UI home/build folder: /deploy/AppServers/grouper-ui folder:

    <ant antfile="build.xml" target="webapp" dir="${contrib.dir}/yale-cas-auth" inheritrefs="true" />

    It should go just below the following section in the build.xml file:

    <!-- Call any site specific build script. This may be used to introduce site specific Struts action,
                                 local Subject implementations etc -->
                    <antcall target="-additional-build">
                            <param name="target" value="webapp"/>
                                                    <reference refid=""/>

    Implementer note: There are several -additional-build sections. Ensure you find the one that has a target with a value of "webapp".

  2. Modify the following 3 lines in the file that is in the yale-cas-auth folder -- enter proper URLs for your organization:

    #Grouper CAS Integration for CalPoly
  3. Modify the struts-config.xml file to skip the login prompt by changing the callLogin path to instead of

    <forward name="callLogin" path="/" redirect="true"/>
  4. Ensure the REMOTE_USER value that is returned from CAS is configured as one of the subject identifiers in the sources.xml:

      <!-- col which identifies the row, perhaps not subjectId -->

    This is based on using the GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter2 source adapter type

  5. Ensure the grouper URL has been added to the CAS Services Registry.
Deployment Steps
  1. From the /deploy/AppServers/grouper-ui directory, create a new war file:

    ant war
  2. Remove the grouper directory in the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder:

    cd /deploy/AppServers/tomcat/webapps
    rm -rf grouper
  3. Copy the new war file to the webapps directory (overwrite existing grouper.war file):

    cp /deploy/AppServers/grouper-ui/dist/grouper.war .
  4. Stop and restart Tomcat.


See debug information in logs in = DEBUG
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