ACAMP Notes from 2/26

Bob, Renee, Jonathan, Eric, Ann, Leif, Tom

Action Items

- Jonathan to provide an example of how the wiki is used to organize Jasig's unconference.
- Bob to ask Neils and Scotty Logan about OpenSocial.
- Ann to check how many rooms we have for Thursday.

  - Jens to send out email announcement to canadian lists
  - Scott will check with Spring developer about how to get the word out.
  - All to go to FB/LinkedIn sites and RSVP that  you are coming
  - All to tweet using #acampmeet
  - All to identify roles and resources that we need for follow up.

- Announcements
  Kuali is now an official "cooperating" organization!
  Program deadline: March 19 (w/o speakers)

- Program discussion (
 Put up a pre-event virtual board to get the unconference topic discussion started. Attendees can post topics they'd like to hear about or lead a discussion on.

 Instead of scoping the program topics ahead of time, we'll be doing it at the meeting given the ideas from the attendees. We'll have a easels with post it notes available throughout Wed for attendees to suggest topics. Prior to the start of ACAMP, we'll add the content from the wiki to post it notes so the ideas can be included in the agenda bash for Thursday.

Regarding the program for Wed, we plan to feature some extended (20 min?) talks, including about 30-45 minutes summarizing the action items from last year. After that, attendees will be invited to present 5 minute lighting talks.  [AI] - Jonathan will provide an example of how the wiki is used to organize Jasig's unconference.

- Brainstorm sessions
- Each sessions gets a volunteer scribe and session notes are written up in the wiki.
  or give written notes to Steve to put into wiki. [AI] Ann to check how many rooms we have for Thursday.
- At the end of the day, we'll have notes on each of the sessions.
- We'll then use a group process to draw conclusions from the afternoon and determine common observations. We'll have a scribe to take notes then we'll use these as a start on Friday.

On Friday, we plan to come out of the day with a series of action items with names attached to them. The process to do this includes 1) synthesizing the information from Thursday (which might raise more questions), 2) discussing action items, and 3) deciding on a follow up process.

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