InCommon Pilot Call

September 12, 2013

PARTICIPANTS: Steve Olshansky (Internet2), Andy Fleming (KanREN), Bernie A'cs (IlliniCloud/NCSA), Mark Johnson (MCNC), Scott Isaacson (Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council - NE), Shel Waggener (Internet2), George Laskaris (NJEdge), David Dennis (Merit), Jack Seuss (InCommon, MdREN), Mark Scheible (MCNC), Jim Peterson (IlliniCloud/NCSA), Jennifer Griffin (The Quilt)



  • Steve - Find deadline of the CoSN meeting
  • Steve – Contact Keith about the CoSN meeting in March
  • Steve - Send doodle poll out about potential SETDA and ISTE (and other related) meeting attendance.
    • Steve - Work with Ann West to post InCommon POP webinar archive


1)    Roll Call, Agenda Bash, Approve Minutes, Intellectual Property Rights Policy Reminder

2)    *Brief* updates from each of the 8 pilots

a)    IlliniCloud/NCSA - The contract with Aegis is signed. Attempting to move forward with the federated model.

b)    Merit - Had a call about setting up their active directory with Canvas. Discussions were broad and will have follow up calls regarding setting up federation

c)    MCNC – Making slow progress. Chipping away at low level directory services.

d)    Nebraska – Starting to make progress with statewide meetings. They have been education the state. A working group has been formed. Progressing toward GLUE solution. Continuing to form connections to data dashboard with state department of education. There is interest in access to Canvas through InCommon. Shibboleth training is next week.

e)    MdREN pilot with Coursera is going well. There is interest in bringing community colleges on.

f)     UEN is making progress

3)    Artifacts in progress? (e.g. case studies, use cases, recommendations, best practices, other learnings)

a)    The goal is to glean information from this first round to make the future process easier. There should be discussion about what was learned from this round.

i)      Preparation for February meeting discussion

(1)  Would like to have a working model by then.

(2)  It would be beneficial to have Keith Krueger (CoSN CEO) become more involved and perhaps lead a presentation.

(a)  Steve will look into the deadline of the CoSN meeting

b)    Being face to face is very important for the project and process. Discussing the structure for the next round of pilots and bringing key people to the February meeting, and connecting people one on one will be very useful

c)    MCNC will be working with InCommon to flush out models

d)    The ISTE and SETDA meetings would potentially be good to attend, and present at if possible - particularly by the pilot participants. Giving multiple regional perspectives would be beneficial. There is also the possibility of working with these and other relevant groups so develop webinars about our work for their members.

i)      Steve – Contact Keith about the CoSN meeting in March

ii)     ISTE deadline is October 2nd. IlliniCloud is going to present ISLE school district

iii)    South by Southwest (SXSW) had a good educational portion of there meeting

iv)   SETDA and ISTE meetings are back to back in Atlanta.

v)     Steve - Send doodle poll out about meeting attendance.

vi)   It would be useful for us to prepare a collective set of slides that could serve as the foundation for others to extend as needed.

4)    Net+ / Canvas – Almost ready to roll out. There have been successes. Tool has a longer lead cycle as far as deployment

a)    One of the founders of Canvas is engaged and interested in ensuring that there is interoperability with federated access

5)    Federated Identity Pilot Project Summary Template - due by COB Friday September 20th

a)    Cf. George's e-mail to the list 9-Sep

b)    Mark and George will provide an update at the upcoming Quilt meeting. This will be an opportunity to generate interest with other regionals and solicit interest in the February workshop in La Jolla.

6)    Draft survey


a)    Looking to do a pre and post survey. This is a collaborative process. Please review the survey and provide feedback.

8)    Review of wiki page constructs

i)      Subpages have been set up for individual pilot pages. Please contact SteveO with any questions

(1)  Social-to-SAML gateway project. Contact Shel

(a)  Can provide written update

ii)     Aastra – Framework for ISLE setting up system of support. Looking at various SIP providers and their level of interaction with

(1)  The Net+ program is designed to do vetting of services. Primarily the program will build significant critical mass, then open it up regionally. Ultimately it will open up to others

(2)  You can issue an RFP but there may not be a response since the cost and service info are available already

(a)  The telco community still prefers an RFP such as offerings through Aastra and Level3. This would be for a value-add call center and conference line.

(3)  Overall project scope involves school districts.

(4)  Waiting for seven (7) regionals to sign off and then will open it up to the other regionals

(a)  For further information, send mail to

iii)   InCommon POP webinar archive – Steve to work with Ann West to post

9)    Action item recap, next call Thursday 26-September at 4:00 PM



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