Action items from Spring F2F by name or institution

The Spring PESC data summit F2F meetings resulted in the following list of action items to be completed prior to the Fall session. These items should support the CommIT IdPs installation and testing, and several service providers that represent a variety of example use cases. They should also support marketing and commitment work.

Feel free to add your name to the list and to add additional work commitments.

Nate Klingenstein

Assist Jeff Alderson and Patrick McFadin in the installation and hosting of 2 instances of a CommIT IdP

Attribute aggregation sequence diagram: Single and Pair-wise identifiers 

Update: Nate has thought through the sequence diagrams. Analyze whether or not to  handle front-channel and back channel calls. Determine where the policy enforcement points are and whether the IdP has a role to play in policy enforcement. 

Support Jeff on Multifactor research.

Arnie Miles

Create list of workable account attributes with Ann and Vince

Work on Scripted video(s) for marketing with Charlie and Ann, help from Rex and Jonathan from MusicCas

Jeff Alderson/ConnectEDU

Install and host prototype IdP at ConnectEDU with help from Nate

Integration strategy 2 proof of concept

Multifactor research. Trying to figure out if the IdP plays a role in multifactor authentication. To the extent we want to support multifactor and other mechanisms. Nate will work with Jeff on this.

Patrick McFadin/Hobsons

Install and host prototype IdP at Hobsons with help from Nate

Integration Strategy 1

Integration Strategy 2 (Is this right? You're working on both?)

High Availability and high access.


Integration Strategy 2

Support Scripted video(s)

Ann West

Creating list of workable account attributes with Arnie and Vince

Garner representation from higher ed, including at least one Common App member and others

Organization strategy with Charlie Leonhardt and Michael Sessa

Scripted video(s) with Arnie and Charlie, with support from MusicCAS

Talk to Charlie and Heidi to put together a working group around privacy.

Work with Arnie to put together major chunks of dependencies, resources, gaps. Project management pieces.

Vince Timbers

Work with Arnie and Ann in creating a list of workable account attributes

Charlie Leonhardt

Privacy requirements with Heidi Wachs

Service Provider for Georgetown

Work with Ann and Michael Sessa on organization strategy

Scripted video(s) with Arnie and Ann and support from MusicCAS

Marketing web site development

Heidi Wachs

Privacy Requirements

Tim McGraw/CommonApp

Work on providing Common App schools for SPs. Perhaps CMU

Work with David Moldoff to redo the wireframes to pare down the data sharing previews and highlight single sign-on (control the flows through the examples)

Integration Strategy 1

Michael Sessa

Organization strategy with Ann and Charlie

David Moldoff

Work with Tim McGraw to redo the wireframes to pare down the data sharing previews and highlight single sign-on (control the flows through the examples)

Write draft Letter of Commitment and start seeking signatures

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