Maturity level 1 leads you toward how to do container orchestration properly.  With maturity level 0, you are using the container "as is" but relying on external "mounts" which means you have configs outside of the container that depend on the host that runs the container.  In this model you bake all of that into the container and it is a more stand-alone package that will be more reliable and consistent (i.e. the state of the configs are in the immutable container).

Get a server and database

Here is an example with AWS, basically for this example you need a Unix-based server (or Mac), and a postgres (recommended), or mysql or oracle database.  Install Docker as well

Install docker

See the maturity level 0 document for installing docker, and basic commands of working with images and containers.

Install the container

  1. See which version of Grouper to run
  2. Pull the image

    bin $ docker pull i2incommon/grouper:2.5.XX
  3. Make sure the digest is correct (from release notes page)

    [root@ip-172-30-3-152 ~]# docker image inspect i2incommon/grouper:2.5.XX | grep i2incommon/grouper@sha256
  4. Create a directory to hold files to put in your subcontainer.  You might have one of these directories that is shared for ws/ui/daemon.

    2.5 $ mkdir -p /opt/grouperContainer
    2.5 $ mkdir -p /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes
  5. Set  Note, for DB URL, "localhost" is the container itself, not the enclosing server.  You need to use an IP address that the container can communicate with.   Look in the for documentation on setting up the url.

    2.5 $ vi /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/
    hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:mysql://
    hibernate.connection.username         = grouper_v2_5
    hibernate.connection.password         = ************
    # what version should we auto install DDL up to.  You should put the major and minor version here (e.g. 2.5.*).  Or you could go to a build number if you like, 
    # or nothing to not auto DDL.  e.g. 2.5.32     or     2.5.*
    # {valueType: "string"} = 2.5.*
    # UI basic auth is for quick start. Set to false when you migrate to shib or something else = true
  6. If you cant connect to the database, go in the container (instructions later (smile) ) and test the communication with telnet 

    grouperContainer $ docker exec -it grouper-daemon /bin/bash
    [root@0d9054515bed WEB-INF]# yum install telnet
    [root@0d9054515bed WEB-INF]# telnet 3306
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    5.5.5-10.4.8-MariaDBK;&I~bLþ8pOz8H?EzW(\mysql_native_password^CConnection closed by foreign host.
    [root@0d9054515bed WEB-INF]# 
  7. The container contains jdbc drivers for hsql, msyql and postgres.  If you're using Oracle, you'll need to add the jar. 
    Might want to use:
    Might want to use:
    2.5 $ ls -al /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/lib/ojdbc6_g.jar
  8. Set unique key for encryption

    2.5 $ vi /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/
    # random 16 char alphanumeric upper/lower
    encrypt.key = *******************
  9. Decide how many containers

    More like a production env
    Uses more memory
    Can control, bring up down, configure each separately
    Need to manage ports.  Generally 443 for UI, 8443 for WS, 8444 for Scim
    ALL-IN-ONEallRuns everything in one container.  Don't do this in prod
    Uses less memory
    When anything is up or down all is up or down
    Can use 443 for UI, WS, Scim

    This is not documented here.  Don't do this in prod
    You can have a hybrid and put whatever components in whatever containers you want

  10. Assume logs go to docker.  If you want to mount external logs, follow directions from maturity level 0

  11. Allow grouper db config from all.  You can decide if you trust your authn and mfa if you want to leave this open, or lock it down to your vpn or whatever.

    2.5 $ vi /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/
    grouperUi.configurationEditor.sourceIpAddresses =
  12. Make a Dockerfile and subcontainer

    slashRoot $ vi /opt/grouperContainer/Dockerfile
    # this matches the version you decided on from release notes
    FROM i2incommon/grouper:${GROUPER_VERSION}
    # this will overlay all the files from /opt/grouperContainer/slashRoot on to /
    COPY slashRoot /
    RUN chown -R tomcat:root /opt/grouper \
     && chown -R tomcat:root /opt/tomee
  13. Make container.  Note you could have one subcontainer (recommended if possible), and deploy that to UI/WS/daemon (either ALL-IN-ONE or SEPARATE-CONTAINERS)

    grouperContainer $ docker build -t my-grouper-2.5.XX /opt/grouperContainer
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  216.1kB
    Step 1/2 : FROM i2incommon/grouper:2.5.XX
     ---> 04ced0374ad5
     ---> Running in 7bd1a51c3552
    Removing intermediate container 7bd1a51c3552
     ---> ff79b4b2afb9
    Successfully built ff79b4b2afb9
    Successfully tagged my-grouper-2.5.XX:latest

  14. See maturity level 0 for Docker run command (approx step 15), make your shell script(s).  Note, you do not need mounts.  e.g. for ui

    docker run --detach --restart always -e RUN_SHIB_SP='false' \
    -e SELF_SIGNED_CERT='true' --name grouper-ui --publish 443:443 my-grouper-2.5.XX:latest ui
  15. Setup the database run grouper
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