Attribute nameExample ValueDefault ValueOptional?Note
Source typeSQL


Database namejdbc

QuerySELECT 'jdbc' AS subject_source_id, subjectId AS subject_id, 'test:testGroup1' AS group_name FROM subject UNION SELECT 'jdbc' AS subject_source_id, subjectId AS subject_id, 'test:testGroup2' AS group_name FROM subject

Schedule typeCRON

Cron schedule0 0 6 * * ?

Priority55YesHigher number = higher priority
Require members in other group(s)stema:stemb:group1
YesUsers returned by query will be excluded if they are not in this group
Group query (metadata on groups)See below (optional)
Groups like sql parttest:
YesPath to destination for groups created, required for the job to clean up groups/users that are no longer returned 
Sync display names configuration"Sync display name after base folder name" or "Levels from group to sync display name"
YesAdds additional field to the form asking for the "base folder path" or "levels from group"
Group typeaddIncludeExclude
Customize failsafeNoNoYesIf set to yes it will give you a series of options for configuring failsafes

Optional, if you want a group query, do something like this, and change the Query too

Attribute nameValue
QuerySELECT 'jdbc' AS subject_source_id, subjectId AS subject_id, 'test:testGroup1_systemOfRecord' AS group_name FROM subject UNION SELECT 'jdbc' AS subject_source_id, subjectId AS subject_id, 'test:testGroup2_systemOfRecord' AS group_name FROM subject
Group querySELECT 'test:testGroup1_systemOfRecord' AS group_name FROM subject WHERE subjectId = 'test.subject.0' UNION SELECT 'test:testGroup2_systemOfRecord' AS group_name FROM subject WHERE subjectId = 'test.subject.0'