There are built in entity attributes (subject id, identifier, name, description),  subject attributes (anything you configure in your subject source, e.g. firstName), but there could be other entity data you need to provision or access for reports or other reasons.

In v2.6.6 of Grouper you can resolve entity attributes not available in Grouper or the subject source.  Each provisioner could have one SQL resolver, one LDAP resolver, or both.  Also you can configure "global" entity attribute resolvers which could be used as well.

On a full provisioning run get all users and full sync the translations.

On an incremental sync, get users with last_updated changes (if applicable, not implemented yet) and process those entities.  Any membership changes will bulk select all the users and process them.

When translating, SQL entity data will be available in expressions as: entityAttributeResolverSql__column_name where column name is all lower case.  e.g. ${entityAttributeResolverSql__org_department} if the column is "org_department")

When translating, LDAP entity data will be available in expressions as: entityAttributeResolverLdap__attribute_name where attribute name is all lower case.  e.g. ${entityAttributeResolverLdap__samaccountname} if the attribute is "samaccountname")

Note that if you want incremental to pick up new entity attributes, LDAP needs to have the modifyTimestamp (not implemented yet), or you could make an LDAP to SQL job (e.g. every 30 minutes) and then a trigger could maintain last_updated

Global entity attribute resolvers list page

Global entity attribute resolvers add SQL resolver page

Configuration options

Configuration section: Do you have entity attributes not in the subject source?  True/False (default false)

If true:

Config itemValueShow ifDescription
Show entity attribute resolvertrue/false
Have a separate section just like Membership configuration and it shows up before Membership configuration section
Resolve attributes with SQLtrue/falseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'If true show the next section
Use global SQL resolvertrue/falseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
(default false), if true then use a global resolver
Global SQL resolvermyPeopleResolvershowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'true'
Drop down of global SQL resolvers
SQL config idwarehouseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
Drop down with SQL config ids - Db external system config ids dropdown
Table or view namemy_peopleshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
Table of user data, must have a subject source (optional), and matching/search col (required), and columns with single valued attributes
Attribute namesname,descriptionshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
Comma separated list of columns you want to fetch and send to target system as attributes.
Subject source id columnsubject_source_idshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql = 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
The subject source id column (optional)
Subject search / matching columnemployee_idshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
Column that searches and matches an entity
SQL mapping typeentityAttribute / translationshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
Drop down of the mapping type
SQL mapping entity attributesubjectId

showEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
&& sqlMappingType == 'entityAttribute'

If this is an entity attribute mapping type, pick the entity attribute from a drop down
SQL mapping expression${grouperProvisioningEntity.retrieveAttributeValueString('uid')}showEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
&& sqlMappingType == 'translation'
If this is a translation write the expression (unescaped) (useGlobalResolver='false')
Last updated columnlast_updatedshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
If this is provided then the incremental provisioner will process people that have been recently updated (useGlobalResolver='false')
Last updated typetimestampshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'
&& useGlobalSqlResolver == 'false'
Could be timestamp, millisSince1970 (useGlobalResolver='false')
Select all SQL on fulltrue/falseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithSql == 'true'

(Default true), if select * from the table should occur on full runs.  Set to false if only a small subset of the

total entities in the table are provisionable  (show for local or global resolver)

Resolve attributes with LDAPtrue/falseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'If true show the next section
Use global LDAP resolvertrue/falseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
(default false), if true then use a global resolver
Global LDAP resolvermyPeopleResolvershowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'true'
Drop down of global LDAP resolvers
LDAP myAdshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
Drop down with LDAP config ids
Base DNOU=users,DC=school,DC=edushowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
Base DN for search
Search scopeONELEVEL_SCOPE, or SUBTREE_SCOPE (default)showEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'

Filter part(objectClass=person)showEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
If provided, this will be part of the full or individual filter
AttributesemployeeID, name, org, extensionAttribute11, modifyTimestampshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
Attributes to retrieve (multi-valued attributes will be stored in appropriate structure)
Multivalued ldap attributesorg,nameshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
Comma separated list of attributes that are multivalued
LDAP matching / search attributeemployeeIDshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
LDAP attribute which is used to lookup and match an entity in Grouper
LDAP mapping typeentityAttribute / translationshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
Drop down of the mapping type
LDAP mapping entity attributesubjectIdshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'
If this is an entity attribute mapping type, pick the entity attribute from a drop down
LDAP matching expression


showEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'

The value in Grouper that matches the LDAP data.  This is not yet ldap escaped.  In this case the filter to get one record would be generated as:


Filter all LDAP on fulltrue/falseshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'

(Default true), if full filter should occur on full runs.  Set to false if only a small subset of the

total entities in the table are provisionable.  In the above example, if this is true, the full filter would be:


Last updated attributemodifyTimestampshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'

If provided the incremental can poll for new records to process.  e.g. the filter would be (openldap / edirectory)


Active directory

(&(employeeID=*)(objectClass=person)(modifyTimestamp>= 20211119163324.0Z))

LDAP last updated formatdefault / activeDirectoryshowEntityAttributeResolver == 'true'
&& resolveAttributesWithLdap == 'true'
&& useGlobalLdapResolver == 'false'

This is optional, if not selected it will select default 20211119082103Z for a non AD connection and activeDirectory 20211119163324.0Z for

an active directory connection (which is selected in the external system)

Global entity attribute resolvers

If you have global attribute resolvers (can be shared among provisioners or maybe other things too), configure in

## Global entity attribute resolvers
## These SQL or LDAP attribute resolvers could be used in multiple provisioners or other areas
## entityAttributeResolverId is the unique configId for the attribute resolver
# Entity attribute resolver type
# {valueType: "string", order: 1000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.resolverType$", required: true, formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ["sql", "ldap"]}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.resolverType =

# if this resolver is enabled
# {valueType: "boolean", defaultValue: "true", order: 2000 }
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.enabled =
# SQL configId for database connection, default to grouper database
# {valueType: "string", order: 3000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.sqlConfigId$", formElement: "dropdown", optionValuesFromClass: "", showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.sqlConfigId =
# Table of user data, must have a subject source (optional), and matching/search col (required), and columns with single valued attributes
# {valueType: "string", order: 4000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.tableOrViewName$", required: true, showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.tableOrViewName =

# Comma separated column names from the entity attributes table that need to be added as attributes in the target system
# {valueType: "string", order: 4500, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.columnNames$", required: true, showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.columnNames =
# The subject source id column
# {valueType: "string", order: 5000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.subjectSourceIdColumn$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.subjectSourceIdColumn =
# Column that searches and matches an entity
# {valueType: "string", order: 6000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.subjectSearchMatchingColumn$", required: true, showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.subjectSearchMatchingColumn =
# Grouper attribute that matches the row
# {valueType: "string", order: 7000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.grouperAttributeThatMatchesRow$", required: true, showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}", formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ['subjectId', 'subjectIdentifer0']}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.grouperAttributeThatMatchesRow =
# The last updated column, e.g. a timestamp or number field (number of millis since 1970)
# {valueType: "string", order: 8000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.lastUpdatedColumn$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.lastUpdatedColumn =
# The last updated column type, e.g. timestamp, millisSince1970.  If this is provided then the incremental provisioner will process people that have been recently updated
# {valueType: "string", order: 9000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.lastUpdatedColumn$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'sql'}", formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ['timestamp', 'millisSince1970']}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.lastUpdatedType =
# LDAP configId for connection
# {valueType: "string", order: 10000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.ldapConfigId$", required: true, formElement: "dropdown", optionValuesFromClass: "", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}"}
#entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.ldapConfigId =
# Base DN for search
# {valueType: "string", order: 11000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.baseDn$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}", required: true}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.baseDn =
# Search scope, default is SUBTREE_SCOPE
# {valueType: "string", order: 12000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.searchScope$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}", required: true, formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ['ONELEVEL_SCOPE', ' SUBTREE_SCOPE']}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.searchScope =
# If there is more to the filter for all users or selected user than just the search attribute, then put that here.  e.g. if you have a search attribute of employeeID, and you want the
# filter to be (&(employeeID=12345678)(objectClass=person)) then you should fill in this value as: (objectClass=person)
# {valueType: "string", order: 13000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.filterPart$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.filterPart =
# Attributes to retrieve (multi-valued attributes will be stored in appropriate structure)
# {valueType: "string", order: 14000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.ldapAttributes$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}", required: true}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.ldapAttributes =

# Which attributes are multivalued
# {valueType: "string", order: 14500, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.multiValuedLdapAttributes$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.multiValuedLdapAttributes =
# LDAP matching / search attribute, this needs to be the same as the subject ID or subject identifier0
# {valueType: "string", order: 15000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.subjectSearchMatchingAttribute$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}", required: true}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.subjectSearchMatchingAttribute =
# Grouper attribute that matches the record
# {valueType: "string", order: 16000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.grouperAttributeThatMatchesRecord$", required: true, showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}", formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ['subjectId', 'subjectIdentifer0']}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.grouperAttributeThatMatchesRecord =
# If provided the incremental can poll for new records to process.  e.g. the filter would be (openldap / edirectory) (modifyTimestamp>=20211119082103Z), or Active Directory: (modifyTimestamp>= 20211119163324.0Z)
# {valueType: "string", order: 17000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.lastUpdatedAttribute$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}"}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.lastUpdatedAttribute = 
# This is optional, if not selected it will select default 20211119082103Z for a non AD connection and activeDirectory 20211119163324.0Z for
# an active directory connection (which is selected in the external system)
# {valueType: "string", order: 18000, regex: "^entityAttributeResolver\\.([^.]+)\\.ldapLastUpdatedFormat$", showEl: "${resolverType == 'ldap'}", formElement: "dropdown", optionValues: ['default', 'activeDirectory']}
# entityAttributeResolver.entityAttributeResolverId.ldapLastUpdatedFormat =   
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