At Penn we have a subject source for kerberos principals for LDAP/WS authentication.  To grant access to a group, the privilege on the group can be set to allow READ to the service principal (or other privs for WS).

More actions → Kerberos principals

Fill in form

GSH config


////uncomment to compile in eclipse (and last line)
//// these are standard imports, can be commented out in script but needed in eclipse
//import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.MembershipSave;
//import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.misc.GrouperStartup;
//import edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess;
//public class Test19 {
//  public static void main(String[] args) {
//    GrouperStartup.startup();
//    //input of project name, alphanumeric, start with lower.
//    String gsh_input_kerberosPrincipal = "someName/";
//    String gsh_input_description = "some school kerberos principal for so and so";
//    GshTemplateOutput gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput = new GshTemplateOutput();

    // stay on screen

    // insert the row with bind variables
    GcDbAccess gcDbAccess = new GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper");
    gcDbAccess.sql("insert into service_principals (principal_name, id, last_updated, reason) values (?, (select max(id)+1 from service_principals), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?)");
    gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Success: row is inserted in subject source table");

    // allow principal to use LDAP
    new MembershipSave().assignGroupName("penn:etc:ldapUsers").assignSubjectId(gsh_input_kerberosPrincipal).save();
    gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Success: kerberos principal subject added to LDAP users group: penn:etc:ldapUsers");

    // allow principal to use WS
    new MembershipSave().assignGroupName("penn:etc:webServiceClientUsers").assignSubjectId(gsh_input_kerberosPrincipal).save();
    gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Success: kerberos principal subject added to WS users group: penn:etc:webServiceClientUsers");
    // done
    gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Success: kerberos insert is complete");
//  }

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