SQL Loader configuration

This is a brief overview of how to use the Simple SQL Loader. 

Configuring using the UI

Step 1 - Create a group

Step 2 - While inside group, select "Group actions" drop down and then "Loader"

Step 3 - Select "Loader Actions" and "Edit loader configuration"

Step 4 - Select "Yes, has loader configuration"

Step 5 - Under "Source type" select "SQL"

Step 6 - Loader type select "SQL_SIMPLE: the SQL query loads the members of this group" 

Step 7 - Select the database from the list that will be acting as your data source

Step 8 - Paste in your SQL query.
Note: your query will need to return one of the following: SUBJECT_ID or SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER or SUBJECT_ID_OR_IDENTIFIER. (SUBJECT_ID has the best performance, and SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER and SUBJECT_ID_OR_IDENTIFIER are slower since they require subject API lookups)

Step 9 - Select Schedule type (Default is "CRON")

Step 10 - Set the "Schedule"

Step 11 - Set the "Priority" (Optional) - 5 is the default

Step 12 - Require members in other group(s) (Optional) - comma separated list

Step 13 - "Customize failsafe"  (Optional) - default is "No, do not customize failsafe"

Step 14 - Click "Save" 

Configuring using GSH

gs = GrouperSession.startRootSession() 
group = new GroupSave(gs).assignName("%path to Group (will create if it doesn't exist)%").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save()
group.setAttribute("grouperLoaderType", "SQL_SIMPLE")
group.setAttribute("grouperLoaderScheduleType", "CRON")
group.setAttribute("grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "%CRON schedule%")
group.setAttribute("grouperLoaderDbName", "%Name of your Database%")
group.setAttribute("grouperLoaderQuery", "%YOUR SQL QUERY%");

Configuration Example in Table

Attribute nameValue
Source typeSQL
Loader typeSQL_SIMPLE
Database namejdbc
QuerySELECT 'jdbc' AS subject_source_id, subjectId AS subject_id FROM subject WHERE subjectId IN ('test.subject.0', 'test.subject.1', 'test.subject.2')
Schedule typeCRON
Cron schedule0 0 6 * * ?
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