Using Jabber

We're using Jabber for

  • sending notifications if a wheel group member is removed from the group
  • sending notifications if a target group is deleted

This is how we've done it:

Step 1: Copying & pasting XMPP configuration lines 

Copy & paste the following lines from to and fill them with yout own credentials.

## XMPP notifications 
## (note, uncomment the consumer class and cron above)
## this will get grouper ws getMembers rest lite xmp: 

## general xmpp configuration =
xmpp.server.port = 5222
xmpp.user = username
# note, pass can be in an external file with morphstring
xmpp.pass = 
xmpp.resource = grouperServer

Step 2: Add an additional consumer 

Add an additional xmpp consumer to (the properties are set in step 3 to 6).

changeLog.consumer.xmpp.quartzCron = 
changeLog.consumer.xmpp.class = 
changeLog.consumer.xmpp.elfilter = 
changeLog.consumer.xmpp.publisher.class = 
changeLog.consumer.xmpp.publisher.recipient = 

Step 3: Include the used classes

In our case the default classes are used:

changeLog.consumer.xmpp.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbConsumer
changeLog.consumer.xmpp.publisher.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbXmppPublisher

Step 4: Define the conditions

We have defined two conditions that are to lead to Jabber notifications:

  • A target group is deleted:
    event.eventType eq 'GROUP_DELETE' && =~ '^targets\\:.*$'

  • A wheel member is removed from the wheel group:
    event.eventType eq 'MEMBERSHIP_DELETE' && event.membershipType == 'flattened' && event.groupName == 'etc:wheelGroup'

changeLog.consumer.xmpp.elfilter = (event.eventType eq 'GROUP_DELETE' && =~ '^targets\\:.*$') || (event.eventType eq 'MEMBERSHIP_DELETE' && event.membershipType == 'flattened' && event.groupName == 'etc:wheelGroup')

Step 5: Define recipients

Define the recipients of the notifications.

changeLog.consumer.xmpp.publisher.recipient =,,

Step 6: Set quartzCron execution time

e.g. the following line will check if the conditions are met and accordingly send jabber notifications each 10th second of a minute.

changeLog.consumer.xmpp.quartzCron = 10 * * * * ? 



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