Draft Script (note that final version deviated somewhat from original script)

Interviewer: I'm <interviewer name> from Internet2 and I'm talking today with Tom Barton, Chair of the Grouper  Working Group.  We're going to chat with Tom about the Grouper Groups Management Toolkit and the recent release of  version 1.5 .  Welcome, Tom.

Tom: Hi <Interviewer name>, I'm pleased to be here with you.

Interviewer:  We've been hearing a lot about Grouper version 1.5.  Perhaps you can set the stage with some background about Grouper and then share  some of the highlights of this new release. 

-    Overall succinct goal for grouper
-    What we're working on this year
-    What's new in 1.5

Interviewer: Are there particular user needs that drove some of the new development?

Tom: ......yes, we try to be very responsive to user needs ......<<Talk about access management and attribute framework??>>> end with the UI.

Interviewer: There seems to be a lot of interest in the  new  Lite User Interface for Grouper.  Tell us more about that.

Tom:  .... Talk about ther lite membership management screen.
                The issue we had was....and now campuses can do...

Interviewer:  What are some of the other features of Grouper 1.5 that people might want to know about?

Tom:  - mention other features .
           - then mention to look on the website for full details

Interviewer:  We've heard that some integration could be on the horizon between  Grouper and uPortal, uPortal being the leading open source  portal framework  for the higher ed community.  Tell  us  about that integration.

Tom:  We are just starting to plan for such integration ..........
Those who are interested can look at one of the case studies available for download on our website. Specifically, the GIP RECIA case study shows how a .....

Interviewer:  What's on the horizon for the next release of Grouper?


Interviewer:  How can users download and get support for trying Grouper 1.5?

Tom:  <mention wiki documentation and users lists>

Interviewer:  What is the best way for users to provide feedback to the development group?


Interviewer: (OPTIONAL?) Can you tell us more about the framework under which Grouper is developed?

Tom: talk about the development team, MACE, Internet2, NSF grants, etc.

Interviewer: Thanks very much Tom. It's been good talking with you.

Tom: Thanks <Interviewer name>, and to all the listeners out there, we look forward to your feedback on the Grouper-users email lists.

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