In Grouper v2.5.55+ there is a performance logging API to see where time is spent in operations and count queries and access to external systems.


To enable performance logging

  1. Turn on a timer in (see the config for the available timers, the following list is just the starting point)

    ## Performance timers
    # if log performance info on GroupSave
    # set in = INFO
    # {valueType: "boolean", required: true} = true
    # if log performance info on StemSave
    # set in = INFO
    # {valueType: "boolean", required: true} = true
    # if log performance info on Stem view screen
    # set in = INFO
    # {valueType: "boolean", required: true} = true
    # if log performance info on Stem more actions
    # set in log4j2.xml: = INFO
    # {valueType: "boolean", required: true} = true
    # if log performance info on left tree menu
    # set in log4j2.xml: = INFO
    # {valueType: "boolean", required: true} = true
  2. The by default should have this, but if you override, then add to your = INFO
  3. See the logs in the default log file or in another file if you send them elsewhere

    2021-08-10 02:57:51,122: [main] INFO -  - performanceLogFor: GroupSave, name: test:test_1628578670871, sqlQueries_durationMs: 155, sqlQueries_count: 52, preSaveHook_elapsedMs: 151, changeLog_elapsedMs: 183, postSaveHook_elapsedMs: 185, saveGroup_elapsedMs: 185, groupSets_elapsedMs: 196, member_elapsedMs: 199, defaultPrivs_elapsedMs: 200, attributes_elapsedMs: 200, groupCreateRule_elapsedMs: 221, audit_elapsedMs: 237, insertGroup_elapsedMs: 237, resultType: INSERT, took_elapsedMs: 249
    2021-08-10 02:57:51,227: [main] INFO -  - performanceLogFor: GroupSave, name: test:test_1628578671195, sqlQueries_durationMs: 30, sqlQueries_count: 25, preSaveHook_elapsedMs: 12, changeLog_elapsedMs: 13, postSaveHook_elapsedMs: 14, saveGroup_elapsedMs: 14, groupSets_elapsedMs: 22, member_elapsedMs: 27, defaultPrivs_elapsedMs: 27, attributes_elapsedMs: 27, groupCreateRule_elapsedMs: 27, audit_elapsedMs: 28, insertGroup_elapsedMs: 28, resultType: INSERT, took_elapsedMs: 32
  4. Analyze the log file

    performanceLogFor GroupSaveType of performance timer
    nametest:test_1628578670871Non-numeric values are generally name/value pairs to describe the operation

    Labels ending in "elapsedMs" are just timing gates that list how long since the start of the operation that have elapsed.

    In this case after 151ms the process is done with pre-hooks for insert


    A duration is when work is timed, and the duration is stored. 

    If the thing is done more than once, then the sum of the durations is stored


    If a duration is registered more than once, then there will be a _count which lists how many times the duration was registered

    In this case there were 25 queries and the sum of all durations of the queries is 30ms.  So the queries avg about 1ms per query.

    took_elapsedMs32Total time of the timer

    In this case you see the workflow for a group insert: preSaveHook, changeLog, postSaveHook, saveGroup, groupSets, member, defaultPrivs, attributes, groupCreateRule, audit

    The first row is before things were initted in Grouper so it is taking more time to warm up.  The second one you see there are 25 queries and all the time is in queries.  It runs queries to make sure things are allowed and if they exist for 12ms, spends 8ms on groupSets, 5ms on member, and 4ms to commit.


  1. Pick an operation to add a timer to
  2. Make up a label, e.g. GroupSave is for the GroupSave chaining class that inserts/updates/deletes groups
  3. Make a constant String for that label

       * use this for performance log label
      public static final String PERFORMANCE_LOG_LABEL = "GroupSave";
  4. Add the label to the
  5. Wrap the operation like

    // one timing gate
    PerformanceLogger.performanceTimingGate(GroupSave.PERFORMANCE_LOG_LABEL, "saveGroup");
    // one duration
    long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
    try {
      // work
    } finally {
      PerformanceLogger.performanceTimingDuration(GroupSave.PERFORMANCE_LOG_LABEL, "somethingWs", System.nanoTime()-startNanos);
    // add a duration for any performance timer in use in the thread
    long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
    try { // work} finally {
      PerformanceLogger.performanceTimingAllDuration(PerformanceLogger.PERFORMANCE_LOG_LABEL_SQL, System.nanoTime()-startNanos);
    // end it
    } finally {
      PerformanceLogger.performanceTimingData(GroupSave.PERFORMANCE_LOG_LABEL, "resultType", this.saveResultType);
      if (PerformanceLogger.performanceTimingEnabled(GroupSave.PERFORMANCE_LOG_LABEL)) {
  6. Use a JSP tag

                <grouper:performanceTimingGate label="StemUiView" key="post_viewStemInJsp" />
  • No labels