Note, a partial fix for this is in branch GRP-5380_Upgrade_jquery_version

Add this in commonHead.jsp and commonBottom.jsp to script files that change


Delete unused libraries

I believe these javascript libraries are unused:

  • tree.jquery.js

    Theres a bunch of POC code in grouper.js which can be removed

      var data = [
        { label: 'Root',
          id: 'root',
          children: [
                label: 'Applications',
                id: 'applications',
                children: [
      // Set a max height for the explore tree based on the user's viewport size
      $('#tree1').css('max-height',function() {
        var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
        var maxHeight = viewportHeight - 300;
        return maxHeight;
     // Create Tree
    var $tree = $('#tree1');
    data: data,
    selectable: false
  • jquery1.3.2.js
  • jquery2.js
  • jquery.dataTables.js

Delete test folder

The webapp/test folder can be removed

Jquery upgrade

Jquery can be upgraded to v3.7.1

Change this in gropuerUi.js


$(window).unload(function() {


$( window ).on( "unload", function() {

Tooltips might be a problem which I believe are bootstrap


Jquery blockui can be upgraded to 2.70.0

Jquery.cookie needs to stay the same unless we start using npm

Bootstrap upgrade

bootstrap.js and css can be upgraded to 5.3.3, but does not work at all

Might need to move bootstrap.js script tag to commonTop.jsp

  • No labels