Initial Draft 20160519, WCurry,  Review and comment to improve, etc.

Intended to accompany the TIER IAM BackBone Scenario .  

Credential Management: Use Cases, Specification and Rule Examples

A set a features that are fairly common in nature across institutions are shown in a table below.   Following the table are possible kinds of logic that might need to be involved in the features. 

It is likely that the details of those logic bit would be the primary difference from implementation to implementation.  It was discussed recently August 2018 that perhaps driving much of this logic with groups and code components referencing the groups could isolate many of the differences into institutionally managed code for group memberships.  Thus the Account UI could be developed in a more general manner for multiple institutions to leverage.  CSP schools have expressed interest in building this feature out. Question from working group is should this be a part of the TIER deliverable.   

Table of event/features to include:

Account CreateSelf service account create/claiming,  allow for invite, claim at website or similar UI feature with SMS or email codes provided to previously known user email or phone.
Account Credential ChangePasswords and Two factor self service.      Each can be self service or assisted by helpdesk.  Helpdesk staff cannot know or have control of the credential being changed they can only send user an event prompt/secret for use in the self service interface.
Account Credential reset (forgot, etc) Password and two factor issues.  The user is not in control or does not know the values of the credential (password), This is a bit harder case often forgot password , or issue with multi factor.  
Account Disable/EnableAdmin Account management panel - this is done by admin users in response to an issue with the user or the account.
Account Expire/UnexpireAutomated Deactivate and activate account based on the membership in the groups defining eligibility for account(s).
Password ExpireTimed expiration of a password. 



                                    Send Invite to personal email and/or SMS


            Invitation Response Create Process


Account Credential Change:  (user must know current value)

Account Credential Reset:  (user does not know current value)

            Self Service Reset Process

             Establish Credential (password)


            Helpdesk Assisted Reset Process

            Establish Credential (password)

Manage Account Profile

Account Credential Disable/Enable: 


Account Credential Expire/UnExpire: 

  Action entry to Expire/UnExpire account

Password Expire:


When: current date time > password expire date time minus n days       

-          Send Warning emails to user to indicate password expiration is approaching. ( email 1 per day for 7days prior to expiration)


-          When: current date time > password expire date time or

      Password level needs less days and/or more complexity

-          Account Information Management data expired password set.

-          Send password expire message to Authentication store at When condition above.

-          Notify User by out of band email that institutional password just expired.