Upgrading to Grouper 2.2 from Grouper 2.1

Using the Grouper Upgrader can simplify your upgrade process. Here is a movie demonstrating the Grouper upgrader.  The upgrader can upgrade an installed env of the API, UI, WS, client, PSP, etc.  If you dont have a build script to manage multiple envs, you might want to use the upgrader.

Important Changes in Grouper 2.3 that impact the upgrade


Other items before upgrading

  1. You may want to have your DBAs make sure you are not close to running out of tablespace.  In general, it may be useful to have your DBAs available when you upgrade.
  2. If you have views that other systems use, you could replace them as tables before beginning. 
  3. If you have other systems using Grouper, you could temporarily disable them.

Upgrade Steps

  1. You should get v2.3 versions of the Grouper API, Grouper UI, Grouper WS, Grouper Daemon, etc. from the Grouper Downloads page.  You will need to merge configuration files and JARs.
  2. Stop the Grouper Daemon.  Once you prevent users from making updates to your Grouper instance, run the changeLogTempToChangeLog daemon to clear out the temp changelog using your existing v2.2 API.  Here's an example using GSH.

    gsh 0% loaderRunOneJob("CHANGE_LOG_changeLogTempToChangeLog")
  3. Before performing any upgrade steps, export your Grouper registry.  Options include performing a database backup (recommended) or using the XML Export utility in Grouper (not recommended since certain features may not get exported).
  4. Using the 2.3 API, perform a registry check using GSH to create an SQL file that will contain the DDL to update your database. To do this, run: gsh -registry -check     Note you may need to increase memory.  For instance..

    $ export MEM_MAX=2000m
    $ ./bin/gsh.sh -registry -check
    Using GROUPER_HOME: /opt/grouper
    Using GROUPER_CONF: /opt/grouper/conf
    Using JAVA: java
    using MEMORY: 64m-2000m
    Grouper starting up: version: 2.3.0, build date: 2016/04/20 16:15:04, env: <no label configured>
    grouper.properties read from: /opt/grouper/conf/grouper.properties
    Grouper current directory is: /opt/grouper
    log4j.properties read from:   /opt/grouper/conf/log4j.properties
    Grouper is logging to file:   /opt/grouper/logs/grouper_debug.log, /opt/grouper/logs/grouper_error.log, at min level INFO for package: edu.internet2.middleware.grouper, based on log4j.properties
    grouper.hibernate.properties: /opt/grouper/conf/grouper.hibernate.properties
    grouper.hibernate.properties: sa@jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper
    sources.xml read from:        /opt/grouper/conf/sources.xml
    sources.xml groupersource id: g:gsa
    sources.xml groupersource id: grouperEntities
    sources.xml jdbc source id:   jdbc: GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider
    This db user 'sa' and url 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper' are allowed to be changed in the grouper.properties
    Grouper ddl object type 'Grouper' has dbVersion: 29 and java version: 30
    Grouper database schema DDL requires updates
    (should run script manually and carefully, in sections, verify data before drop statements, backup/export important data before starting, follow change log on confluence, dont run exact same script in multiple envs - generate a new one for each env),
    script file is:
    Note: this script was not executed due to option passed in
    To run script via gsh, carefully review it, then run this:
    gsh -registry -runsqlfile /opt/grouper/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20160420_16_15_53_708.sql
    1. In this example above, an SQL script called /opt/grouper/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20160420_16_15_53_708.sql was created.
    2. Postgres only - If using postgres, you should see foreign keys being dropped at the top of the script. If not, try setting the ddlutils.schema grouper.properties setting and run again. If you still don't see foreign keys being dropped at the top of the script, manually drop all foreign keys before running the script.
    3. Postgres and hsql only - You should backup any non grouper views that depend on Grouper views, run the grouper script (which deletes those views due to drop view cascade), and then you should recreate those non grouper views.
  5. Run the SQL script.  To do this, run:  gsh -registry -runsqlfile /path/to/sql/file.sql  For instance..

    $ ./bin/gsh.sh -registry -runsqlfile /opt/grouper/ddlScripts/grouperDdl_20160420_16_15_53_708.sql
    Using GROUPER_HOME: /opt/grouper
    Using GROUPER_CONF: /opt/grouper/conf
    Using JAVA: java
    using MEMORY: 64m-2000m
    This db user 'sa' and url 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper' are allowed to be changed in the grouper.properties
    Script was executed successfully
    Grouper starting up: version: 2.3.0, build date: 2016/04/20 16:15:04, env: <no label configured>
    grouper.properties read from: /opt/grouper/conf/grouper.properties
    Grouper current directory is: /opt/grouper
    log4j.properties read from:   /opt/grouper/conf/log4j.properties
    Grouper is logging to file:   /opt/grouper/logs/grouper_debug.log, /opt/grouper/logs/grouper_error.log, at min level INFO for package: edu.internet2.middleware.grouper, based on log4j.properties
    grouper.hibernate.properties: /opt/grouper/conf/grouper.hibernate.properties
    grouper.hibernate.properties: sa@jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper
    sources.xml read from:        /opt/grouper/conf/sources.xml
    sources.xml groupersource id: g:gsa
    sources.xml groupersource id: grouperEntities
    sources.xml jdbc source id:   jdbc: GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider
    Grouper note: auto-created stem: etc:attribute:messages
    Grouper note: auto-created role: etc:attribute:messages:grouperMessageRole
    Grouper note: auto-created attributeDef: etc:attribute:messages:grouperMessageTopicDef
    Grouper note: auto-created attributeDef: etc:attribute:messages:grouperMessageQueueDef
    Grouper note: auto-created stem: etc:attribute:messages:grouperMessageTopics
    Grouper note: auto-created stem: etc:attribute:messages:grouperMessageQueues

    Note that if one of the SQL statements in the script fails, the process will abort leaving the rest of the SQL statements from executing.  If this happens, in most cases, you can't just re-run the full script since re-executing some of the DDL changes that previously succeeded would fail now (e.g. dropping a view or constraint that was previously dropped successfully.)  You could edit the script to remove the statements that previously succeeded in order to re-execute the statement that failed and the ones after it.  Or you can run the previous step again to generate a new SQL script.

  6. Now that the DDL updates have been made, there is an additional GSH command that needs to be run.  To do this, run: gsh ../misc/postGrouper2_3_0Upgrade.gsh (The gsh script is in the "misc" directory.)  Note you should check the output to make sure no errors are thrown. If you see an error, it is safe to re-run. For instance..

    $ ./bin/gsh.sh misc/postGrouper2_3_0Upgrade.gsh
    Using GROUPER_HOME: /opt/grouper
    Using GROUPER_CONF: /opt/grouper/conf
    Using JAVA: java
    using MEMORY: 64m-2000m
    Grouper starting up: version: 2.3.0, build date: 2016/04/20 16:15:04, env: <no label configured>
    grouper.properties read from: /opt/grouper/conf/grouper.properties
    Grouper current directory is: /opt/grouper
    log4j.properties read from:   /opt/grouper/conf/log4j.properties
    Grouper is logging to file:   /opt/grouper/logs/grouper_debug.log, /opt/grouper/logs/grouper_error.log, at min level INFO for package: edu.internet2.middleware.grouper, based on log4j.properties
    grouper.hibernate.properties: /opt/grouper/conf/grouper.hibernate.properties
    grouper.hibernate.properties: sa@jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper
    sources.xml read from:        /opt/grouper/conf/sources.xml
    sources.xml groupersource id: g:gsa
    sources.xml groupersource id: grouperEntities
    sources.xml jdbc source id:   jdbc: GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider
    Type help() for instructions
    Error: Cannot properly read UTF string from resource: grouperUtf8.txt: 'ٹٺٻټكلل'
    # Grouper 2.3.0 Upgrade Step 1/1: Remove grouperLoaderLdapErrorUnresolvable attribute
    edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 5868a5370afd4941bf3f340bf632546f,'GrouperSystem','application'
    edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.attr.AttributeDefName: AttributeDefName[name=etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapErrorUnresolvable,uuid=799596896dd0426fb4c4e8edf9bd8a98]
    Successfully removed attribute.

  7. Analyze your tables. (To avoid any performance issues later.)
  8. Start the Grouper Daemon and all other Grouper components (UI/WS).

See Also

Release Notes for Grouper 2.3