This step is only necessary if you are leveraging the deprecated legacy mechanism for how the plugin provisions the identifier used by Grouper as the subject. The database view mechanism is deprecated as of COmanage Registry version 1.1.0.

Note that after configuring the Grouper software stack in previous steps we are now switching to further configuration of the COmanage Registry software stack to complete the integration with Grouper.


When configured the Grouper Provisioning Plugin will create a view in the Registry database that Grouper can query for subjects or users. The Registry database user needs the CREATE VIEW privilege in order to create the view. If you granted all privileges to the Registry database user then most likely the Registry database user already has the CREATE VIEW privilege. If you did not grant all privileges to the Registry database user, however, you can grant the privilege by doing

GRANT CREATE VIEW ON registry.* TO 'registry_user'@'localhost';

for MySQL/MariaDB or

GRANT CREATE VIEW ON registry TO registry_user;

for PosgreSQL.