
Attending: Steven Carmody, MIchael Gettes, Tom Mitchell, Mark Scheible, Janemarie Duh, Jim Jokl, Chris Misra, Scott Cantor, Keith Hazelton, Tom Barton, Walter Hoehn, Kim Milford, Albert Wu

With: Ian Young, Mike Lahaye, Tom Scavo, IJ Kim, Paul Caskey, Nick Roy, David Walker, Ann West, Dean Woodbeck, Steve Olshansky

Action Items

(AI) Kim Milford will send the REN-ISAC process to the TAC email list.
(AI) Nick Roy will develop a process document for an Ops Advisory Group, rather than continue with drafting a charter, describing the creation and operations of the advisory group.
(AI) Tom Scavo and Nick Roy will bring more information on the extension of the per-entity metadata pilot to the next meeting.

2016 Officers

Steve Carmody, Chair; Jim Jokl, Vice Chair


Minutes from Feb. 4 accepted

Ops Update

Full report/outline at https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/inctac/Ops+Update+2016-02-18


OIDC Workshops

Roland Hedberg is leading two workshops the week of Feb. 22 (two-day workshops) on OIDC in Denver.

There is an interest in another session later in the year.

Recent Duo Incident

After the Duo outage, there was a long thread on the participants list. Several campuses have (or will) contributed recommendations on what to do in such cases in the future. https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/InCCollaborate/Duo+Security+Outage+-+Responses+and+Planning+for+Future

IdP of Last Resort WG

This REFEDS working group has launched. Twelve on the email list so far. https://wiki.refeds.org/display/GROUPS/IoLR

What will be the successful outcome of the WG? Part 1 - develop a well-defined process with multiple federations implementing. Part 2 - have 3-4 IdPs deploy an unaffiliated IdP.  Also talk about portable identifier idea.

Subject Matter Experts

Considering putting some parameters around this.

REN-ISAC has technical liaisons - advisory or guidance - have two currently - (AI) Kim Milford will send the REN-ISAC process to the TAC email list.

Try to keep this lightweight and easy to administer. Also, keep it flexible and keep away from formality.

The appointment of three subject matter experts were approved:

Ops Advisory Group

Nick presented a draft charter of an ops advisory group. This would be formed by ops (basically a group of SMEs) and any communications with TAC would come through the ops report during TAC meetings. The group will be charged with providing operational guidance, advice, problem-solving and general subject-matter expertise to InCommon Operations. Since there would be security concerns discussed by this group, minutes would not be published.

There was discussion about when something would go to the advisory group and when it would go to TAC. Generally, if an idea is not yet baked, it would go to the advisory group, then would go to TAC with some sort of write-up or formal recommendation. Also, if something would have a significant impact on participants, it would go to TAC.

(AI) Nick will develop a process document, rather than continue with the charter, describing the creation and operations of the advisory group.

Per-Entity Metadata Pilot

This pilot is scheduled to end March 1 (it has been extended before). Tom Scavo presented a proposal to extend the pilot until September 1, 2016. The purpose would be to reconfigure the MDQ-beta server to consume the preview aggregate, and also to expand the pilot to include the UK federation. Background on the pilot is at https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/3w7kAg (child pages of this wiki page includes lessons learned and additional information). Note that OTTO is also interested in this approach. (AI) Tom Scavo and Nick Roy will bring more information to the next meeting.

Next Meeting - March 3, 2016