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SharePoint Use Cases

Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC):

The CIC will be using SharePoint to provide a collaboration area for specific groups of people spread across the CIC member campuses. For example, in the Information Technology Area, we have 31 sites in the CIC IT Site collection. Each of those subsites has at least 3 SharePoint groups assigned to it specific to the CIC. The total number of people per site will average about 20.

This set of 20 people will be 1-3 people from each CIC school - for example, 2 people from Penn State, 1 person from University of Iowa, 2 people from Indiana University, etc. So for the Information Technology Site Collection, we have upwards of 620 people. We also have 2 other site collections, the CIC Library Area and the CIC Academic Area. Each of these site collections are likely to have 20-30 subsites each as well, made up of people from each of the CIC campuses. All told, the number of people using all the site collections will be in the 1860-2000 range.

Currently, we do not see a "general" site collection in our plan that would allow any student, staff or faculty member to access a collaboration area (shared documents, calendar, wiki, etc). This implementation of SharePoint is for our specific, faculty/staff groups made up of a few people from each campus. So supporting eduPersonPrincipalName (ePPN) mappings into various SharePoint privilege groups is essential. And given the number of groups and members within those groups, there needs to be a scaleable way to effectively manage these "group memberships".

Having an additional capability to simultaneously require that such a specifically-identified person is still actively affiliated with their given CIC institution (say by also requiring that eduPerson affiliation have a value of "member" or "staff" or some such) would potentially also be useful, but not a pressing need.