InCommon CAMP: Hot Topics in Identity and Federated Identity Management

June 21-23, 2011

The Westin Columbus
Columbus, Ohio

InCommon CAMP: Hot Topics in Identity and Federated Identity Management has ended, but the resources are still available. You'll find all of the slide decks, and notes from the panel sessions, on the program page.

This InCommon CAMP is sponsored by the InCommon Federation with support from Internet2 and EDUCAUSE in collaboration with OARnet. 


h4. CAMP Partners

[!I2logo.gif|width=68,height=48!|] [!EDUCAUSECMYK.jpg|width=82,height=17!|] !OARnetLogoWeb.jpg|border=1!

h4. What's New?

[Registration List|]

*Slide decks and notes for each session* *[are on the program page|CAMPJune2011:CAMP Program]**.*

*Resources from pre-meeting: "The Big Picture: Introduction to Federated Identity Management"*
* [InCommon Resources Booklet|]
