Here is an example of Javadoc in CVS with ViewVC

There are some advantages to Javadoc being stored in CVS and accessible over viewVC:

  1. Someone checking out the project can see docs without building (sometimes figuring out config files can be time consuming)
  2. Javadoc would be versioned, and we would be able to browse any branch, any time
  3. The history of the documentation with comments would be able to be viewed (as long as we commit the new javadoc when committing the code)
  4. It would be instantly available (note there is a delay of committing to being viewable on ViewVC of an hour or more), no need to move to a static server

There is a disadvantage that if ViewVC goes away we will have stale links...  this is from SteveO:

"we intend to support viewvc or something like it going forward.

we don't guarantee that we will keep urls the same if we update to a new piece of software but i do not foresee that anytime soon."

To get Javadoc to work on ViewVC, some massaging needs to happen:

    1. The branch will be in the URL, so the branch needs to be known by the build script, so get this from a new property in

#cvs branch

    Note: If the code is branched, this property will need to be changed in the new branch...   it might be possible to get from a CVS metadata file...

    2. The javadoc generation should not commit new files each time it is generated unless something changes.  So the timestamp should be removed. (-notimestamp)

<javadoc destdir="doc/api" classpathref="ws.class.path"       access="public"
			additionalparam="-notimestamp" >
			<packageset dir="src/grouper-ws" defaultexcludes="yes">
				<include name="edu/internet2/middleware/grouper/**" />


			<link href=""       />
			<link href=""       />
			<link href=""       />


    3. After the javadoc is generated, the links need to be changed so that it is compatible with the URL params in viewvc... (see example in grouper-ws)

<!-- replace .html?edu/internet2/middleware/grouper/webservices/GrouperService.html" with
		.html" -->
		<!-- take out existing params, these are used by javascript to go to frames gracefully, trash them -->
		<replaceregexp flags="g">
			<regexp pattern="\.html\?[^&quot; ]*&quot;" />
			<substitution expression="\.html&quot;" />
			<fileset dir="doc/api" includes="**/*.html" />
		<!-- replace relative links, e.g. method links -->
		<replaceregexp flags="g">
			<regexp pattern="\.html#([^&quot;>]*)&quot;" />
			<substitution expression="\.html?root=I2MI&amp;view=co&amp;pathrev=${cvs.branch}#\1&quot;" />
			<fileset dir="doc/api" includes="**/*.html" />
		<!-- replace onLoad="top.loadFrames()" with onLoad="", this javascript messes things up with viewvc params -->
		<replace file="doc/api/index.html">
		<!-- replace for cvs web: .html" with .html?root=I2MI&view=co&pathrev=HEAD"   -->
		<replace dir="doc/api" value=".html?root=I2MI&amp;view=co&amp;pathrev=${cvs.branch}&quot;">
			<include name="**/*.html" />
		<replace dir="doc/api" value=".css?root=I2MI&amp;view=co&amp;pathrev=${cvs.branch}&quot;">
			<include name="**/*.html" />