Per-Entity Metadata Pilot Study Opens

The InCommon Technical Advisory Committee seeks your participation in the Per-Entity Metadata Pilot Study. This six-month pilot is intended to "explore the utility of signed, per-entity metadata as an alternative to metadata aggregates."

Email list participants will discuss the feasibility of distributing metadata on a per-entity basis, rather than the batch-oriented model currently used. As the federation grows, and larger numbers of SPs and IdPs are introduced into InCommon metadata, the batch-oriented distribution model will become strained. While it is believed that the current distribution mechanisms will remain viable in the short to medium term, there has been progress on multiple fronts with respect to per-entity metadata.

The goal of this pilot study is to examine and experiment with these new techniques while mapping a strategy for metadata distribution that will carry us well into the future.

More information is available in the wiki. All discussion will take place on the email list. Please join us!