Preparatory Email Message

Hi Members of the eduGain Policy and Community Working Group (PCWG)!
Thank you again for spending time on the call last Wednesday introducing yourselves and getting an overview of the importance of our work.  In preparation for the next call, Wednesday August 27, 4-5 Eastern Time, here is a refresher summary of where we are at this point.
The presentations in our call last week illuminated the utility of global federated identity “networks.”  The U.S. federated network, InCommon, wants to join the international identity network eduGain.  Standing in the way are the legal documents and participation agreement for current, domestic InCommon participants.   These documents neither contemplate federation with other global networks nor take into account differences in some technical practices, in particular, those involving the use and handling of “metadata,” or the data concerning organizational trust and interoperability. In short, the PCWG’s task is to draft a revision of these documents that harmonize these legal and operational policy aspects.  This draft revision will be presented to InCommon Steering Committee for review and acceptance to present, then, to the larger participant community. 
To that end, this week, Ann will lead us in a discussion of our charter.
We’ll also present a brief background needed to understand  InCommon Joining eduGAIN: A Discussion of the Issues . For a detailed agenda see the wiki site below. 
By way of “homework," here are a few references that are all linked from the wiki homepage in the Next Call section:
1.     First is the eduGAIN Charter.
2.    Second is a working summary InCommon Joining eduGAIN: A Discussion of the Issues that highlights what parts of the existing legal and policy agreements require attention and revision.
3.    Third is the start of a “use case” library, where we hope to add more … that might be on your campus (especially in teaching and learning, please!).
4.     Fourth is a glossary of terms.  If you have a minute to look through it and would like to make suggestions, that would be great!
If anyone has any questions that they would like to ask Ann or Tracy off-line about the project, please do not hesitate to ask?
+1-734-615-7474 PREFERRED
PIN: 0103284
Best regards,
Theresa, Traci, and Ann
Hi Members of the eduGain Policy and Community Working Group (PCWG)! 
Thank you again for spending time on the call last Wednesday introducing yourselves and getting an overview of the importance of our work.  In preparation for the next call, Wednesday August 27, 4-5 Eastern Time, here is a refresher summary of where we are at this point. 

The presentations in our call last week illuminated the utility of global federated identity “networks.”  The U.S. federated network, InCommon, wants to join the international identity network eduGain.  Standing in the way are the legal documents and participation agreement for current, domestic InCommon participants.   These documents neither contemplate federation with other global networks nor take into account differences in some technical practices, in particular, those involving the use and handling of “metadata,” or the data concerning organizational trust and interoperability. In short, the PCWG’s task is to draft a revision of these documents that harmonize these legal and operational policy aspects.  This draft revision will be presented to InCommon Steering Committee for review and acceptance to present, then, to the larger participant community. 

To that end, this week, Ann will lead us in a discussion of our charter.

We’ll also present a brief background needed to understand  InCommon Joining eduGAIN: A Discussion of the Issues . For a detailed agenda see the wiki site below.  

By way of “homework," here are a few references that are all linked from the wiki homepage in the Next Call section:

1.     First is the eduGAIN Charter.

2.    Second is a working summary InCommon Joining eduGAIN: A Discussion of the Issues that highlights what parts of the existing legal and policy agreements require attention and revision.

3.    Third is the start of a “use case” library, where we hope to add more … that might be on your campus (especially in teaching and learning, please!).

4.     Fourth is a glossary of terms.  If you have a minute to look through it and would like to make suggestions, that would be great! 

If anyone has any questions that they would like to ask Ann or Tracy off-line about the project, please do not hesitate to ask?

+1-734-615-7474 PREFERRED
PIN: 0103284

Best regards,

Theresa, Tracy, and Ann

Notes from the Call

InCommon eduGAIN Policy and Community Working Group
Weekly meeting minutes for August 27, 2014 conference call
Members Present
Bill Yock
John Kreinke
Donald Beck
Chris Holmes
Theresa Semmens
Dean Woodbeck
Member Regrets
Ann West
Craig Jackson
Von West
Warren Anderson
Members Not Present
Susan Blair
Steven Carmody
John Kreinke delivered a presentation on “Introduction: The First Try,” that provided a high level overview on InCommon federation policy and basic principles based on specific principles such as trust.  The PowerPoint presentation will be posted on wiki.  A good discussion followed. 
Tracy Mitrano started discussion the charter and brought forth the mission statement for discussion
Discussion of next week’s homework took place.  Next meeting is September 4
Donald Beck
Chris Holmes
Theresa Semmens
Dean Woodbeck
Not Present
Susan Blair
Steven Carmody
John Krinke provided an overview of why eduGAIN is needed.  PowerPoint presentation to be posted on wiki.
Tracy Mitrano started discussion the charter and brought forth the mission statement for discussion
Discussion of next week’s homework took place.  Next meeting is September 4
