wg-SDN call notes 4/24/2014
kevin mayeshiro -- kmayeshiro@ucdavis.edu
Deniz Gurkan -- dgurkan@uh.edu
Dan Schmiedt -- willys@clemson.edu
Chris Small -- chsmall@uw.edu
Dale W. Carder -- dwcarder@wisc.edu
Michael Van Norman -- mvn@ucla.edu

Agenda items:

1) Agenda Bash
2) Global Summit face-to-face recap/discussion
3) SDN exchange points
4) Technology Exchange/Focused Technical Workshops: SDN content?

@I2 global summit: flowspace firewall discussion
VLAN-based flowvisor, port/interface names rather than DPID
Tied to the OESS circuit mapping
OF 1.0, FloodLight compatible
OF 1.3 support in works

AJ: GNOC github site 1.0.1 code - not in production on AL2S yet (later in May)
Currently in NDDI network

Heidi: GENI-AL2S or GENI-NDDI depending on which one is ready?
Any flow can be written - port 1 VLAN X to some output port
Permissive within one's flow space any match/action is possible
Slicer interface, VLAN slicer, verifies within one's flow space: https://github.com/GlobalNOC

A configuration file keeps all definitions for experimenters, and operators keep track of them and promises.
Heidi: VLANs through OESS
GENI rspec defines the flow space
request through rspec, OESS AM handles it, OF controller sets up the flows within the slice, controllers may be under scrutiny (format to be determined)

Once the flow space (only all L2 matches) is setup, it will stay as it is throughout the experiment (near term - a year or so). Future (3 years down the road), change flow spaces within the experiment dynamically. Experimenters may have a programmable network by utilizing edges (such as in VTS).
Controllers of experimenters will be tested and verified before being deployed on AL2S - some flow pushes will not go through, e.g., L3 matches, etc.

SDN exchange points: GENI design review for SDN exchanges within GENI functions
Treehouse: http://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/Users/Josh/TREEHOUSE
RNP: http://www.rnp.br/en/networks/
Ohio State: 

Technology Exchange (Joint Tech home): http://www.internet2.edu/news-events/events/technology-exchange/

Focused Technical Workshop: previous one is at http://events.internet2.edu/2013/ftw-life-sciences/index.cfm, next one is http://events.internet2.edu/2014/ftw-climate/index.cfm

G. Ricart: CC-NIE and CC-IIE grants - SDN deployments? Progress update? VLAN-bound for how long? USIgnite application summit June 24-27, registration is open. http://us-ignite.org/applicationsummit/