Grouper UI 2.2 Testing

We will document any experiences, bugs, and feature requests on this page.

Initial testing actions so far

Possible bugs

1) Edit membership error

Error message when trying to edit membership for a group.

CH: good catch, fixed in next build:

If you click actions, edit privileges the following error is displayed. (Firefox, version 2).

Not sure if this is linked to another issue. Although I am a direct member of this group as shown in the screenshot, when I look at "My Memberships", this membership does not appear.

CH: yes, that is a problem, fixed

2) Return to group after export memberships

After exporting members from a group, when you click "Return to group" the following error is displayed.

CH: This is fixed (and CSRF issue):

3) Remove member from group

When trying to remove a member from a group with the "remove selected members" where I have admin privileges, the following error is displayed. If I select actions on the user i want to remove, and click revoke permissions, it successfully removes the member.

CH: this is fixed

Feature/Usability Improvement suggestions

1)Creation of group in folder

When creating a new group, pre populate the folder id if you have clicked create group in the folder that you want to create a new group. (Already raised as a feature request

CH: this is fixed

2) Show indirect members in lite ui

When viewing a membership list in the lite UI, it would be useful to be able to see indirect memberships (similar to the way the new UI displays members). This would be very useful especially in scenarios where we use departmental groups etc.

CH: I think we are not further enhancing the lite UI.  Also, we thought that screen was simpler without showing indirect members, though obviously there it is useful to have it there...

3) Create folder, grant create group privileges by default

When you create a new folder, by default the creation user is not granted create group privileges by default as it does on the current UI. Could this be replicated in the new UI?

CH: The user gets "create folder" which implies "create group", so this is ok right?  :)

4) More informative error messages

An example for this is when trying to create a group in a folder where you dont have the correct privileges. The error is "the value entered is not valid", could maybe say "insufficient privileges for this folder".

CH: It says "Error: Cannot find parent folder. Select a folder from the combobox results.", and the values in the combobox are ones you have privileges in...  ok?


See Also


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