Buddy Groups formed at CAMP in Philadelphia, June 2009

Several Buddy Groups were proposed on the final morning of CAMP in Philadelphia. These are groups that can organize as desired -- through conference calls or emails -- to share access management information and experiences going forward.


Leader: Todd M. Tomashek, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,  tomashek@illinois.edu
Scott Fullerton, University of Wisconsin, sfullerton@wisc.edu
Rob Carter, Duke, robert.carter@duke.edu
Liz Salley, University of Michigan, salley@BF.UMICH.EDU
Donna Tatro, Princeton, tatro@Princeton.edu

Sun IdM

Leader: Tom Dopirak, CMU, tgd@andrew.cmu.edu
Bob Landsparger, Michigan Tech, rel@mtu.edu
Rhian Resnick, Florida Institute of Technology, rresnick@fit.edu
Jim Beard, University of Oregon, jimbeard@uoregon.edu
David Bantz, University of Alaska, db@alaska.edu
Jens Haeusser, UBC,  jens.haeusser@UBC.CA

Kuali Identity Management (KIM)

Leader: Jens Haeusser, UBC,  jens.haeusser@UBC.CA
Tom Barton, Univ of Chicago, tbarton@uchicago.edu
R.L. Bob Morgan, Univ of Washington, rlmorgan@washington.edu

TOPIC: Sharing experiences with and developing practices for workflow

Mike McDermott, Brown
U Penn
U Wash
Penn Sate
UBC can share information

Note: All interested in the workflow topic are invited to join the discussion on the  ITANA calls. See www.itana.org. 

TOPIC: How to analyze campus group and role issues and determine how to proceed

This is a general startup issue

Make this an [AI] for the MACE-paccman working group

Note as of 30-June-09 : The MACE-paccman working group briefly discussed this [AI] at their call on 25-Jun-09.  They needed  more clarification on what this topic involves if they are to consider working on it in some form.