MOOC for credit scenario

Scenario: CIO Asks "What is the impact of offering a self-reg MOOC for credit"

Goal: apply the tool and see if it is actually usefu

Outcomes: feedback on the tool, temaplate/tools
  1. To a degree.  Helped to assess against a checklist.   Does not take into consideration impact to Registrar.
    1. People registering and people becoming known to systems.
  2. Work has not yet captured the other dimensions/modalities
  3. Need a dimension of impact: trivial -> huge, scalable.
  4. Need the Admin role.
  5. Question of scalability is fundamental
  6. We may be artificially constraining ourselves by tieing capabilities to specific roles.  There are probably ways to work around that: e.g.,
    1. one big map with perspective lenses that apply to it.
    2. modality-specific maps
  7. Nice to have an architecture web app that supports navigating different paths.
  8. To be most effective requires mapping learning ref architecture to maturity of local capabilities.
  9. Need to include enterprise capabilities.
Addressing Audiences

Changes to capabilitie maps

  1. Training was in the Advisor core.  Should be in the Learning Ref architecture.
  2. Needs enterprise capabilities.

Capability Map: defining single map and add enterprise capabilities

  1.  A single map with views or lenses per specific actors.
  2. cf. Two alternative views : process view and object lifecycle view.  Each of them can support an understanding of impact of modality.   E.g., MOOC diminishes activites of instructor and plays up instructional designer.

Enterprise Capabilities



  1. Events
  2. People
    1. Segment
      1. Admission
      2. Enrollment
      3. Credential/credit proofing
      4. Role Assignment (context-specific role)
      5. Role Definitions
    2. Enterprise Common
      1. Identity Proofing
      2. Joining/Unique Mgmt
  3. Objects
    1. Segment
      1. Binding to instruction
      2. Binding to courses
      3. T&L specific Meta-data definitions
      4. Policy Definitions
      5. Binding to program
      6. Sequence Management
    2. Enterprise Common
      1. Manage I.P.
      2. Manage Permissions
      3. Manage Access
      4. Manage Policy
      5. General metadata common
  4. Outcomes
    1. Granting credentials/credits/Badges
  5. Affiliations -- Groups, Roles, Permissions
  6. Goal???

Sequencing/ Next Steps

  1. Phase 1
    1. Create administrator perspective (split out a sub-team to complete task)
    2. Create mentor perspective (split out a sub-team to complete task)
    3. Finish instructor info layer.
    4. Compile notes and publish
    5. Test with different scenarios to illustrate the use of the tool. Note: the context of the scenario should be as specific as possible. For example, what capabilities and applications would be affected by:
      1. Moving from a course-based instructional model to a competency-based model
      2. Modifying a course or program to be taught via a MOOC
      3. Including an online, interactive activity in an existing f-2-f course
      4. How to include and manage OER in an academic program
  2. Phase 2
    1. Clean up wiki space
    2. Finish enterprise/ segmented analysis
    3. Formalize template for capabilities.  (Gliffy tool for pictures)
    4. Test with different scenarios
  3. Phase 3
    1. Graphic Representations
    2. Test with different scenarios
  4. Phase 4
    1. Two  unified framework alternatives -- process and object-oriented --  Further develop
    2. Build heat map of stable and churning.