Factoring the Authentication Equation: The Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) "Cohortium"
Call for Participation


The Internet2 Scalable Privacy Project (ScalePriv) is seeking campuses to participate in the Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) "Cohortium". The MFA Cohortium will be a ScalePriv-supported group of institutions sharing their explorations, experiences, expertise, artifacts, and overall "journey" in learning about, planning for, and deploying multi-factor authentication for a variety of key use cases within each institution, as well as federated access to services. It will be a facilitated and focused 15-month effort to help you (as a participating institution) make real progress towards MFA deployments. It will enable your institution, and higher education more broadly, to answer the questions "where do we need MFA?", "how do we deploy it?", and "what will it cost and what is our ROI?". And it will be focused on the research and education (R&E) community, dealing with issues and use cases of particular concern within R&E such as integrating MFA into WebSSO, sensitive data, cloud services, distance learners, bring-your-own-device, and the return on investment (ROI) within the R&E environment.

What is a Cohortium? A Cohortium is:

cohortium: "Group of institutions sharing their explorations, experiences, expertise, artifacts, and overall journey", in this case of planning for and deploying multi-factor authentication.

This MFA Cohortium opportunity, and the overall ScalePriv project of which it is part, is made possible by a grant from the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) initiative, and by support from InCommon and Internet2.

Important highlights:

This document outlines the intent and goals of the Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) "Cohortium", and the requirements and expectations for participating institutions.

Table of Contents

Program Dates

Program Information

A key deliverable of the Internet2 Scalable Privacy Project (ScalePriv) is the promotion of multi-factor authentication (MFA), under the tenet that "good privacy begins with good security". Just a few of the links between privacy and MFA are:

Establishing the MFA Cohortium will provide a supported and collaborative environment focused on advancing the use of MFA in higher education. The MFA Cohortium will be supported by ScalePriv project staff, who will facilitate all of the Cohortium activities and help the member institutions to learn from experts, early adopters, and each other about effective implementation of MFA. The Cohortium participants will be sharing their explorations, experiences, expertise, artifacts, and overall roadmap to learning about, planning for, and deploying multi-factor authentication for a variety of key use cases within each institution, as well as federated access to services. The Cohortium will unite a committed group of campuses in a focused 15-month effort to help you (as a participating institution) make real progress towards MFA deployments. It will enable your institution, and higher education more broadly, to answer the questions "where do we need MFA?", "how do we deploy it?", and "what will it cost and what is our ROI?". And it will be focused on the research and education (R&E) community, dealing with issues and use cases of particular concern within R&E such as integrating MFA into WebSSO, sensitive data, cloud services, distance learners, bring-your-own-device, and the return on investment (ROI) within the R&E environment.

Coordination and facilitation for the Cohortium will be provided by ScalePriv staff, along with a collaboration environment and tools, and the building of a resource and reference website focused on MFA for higher education and the R&E community. The Cohortium will also be able to leverage the expertise and work of the three institutions – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Texas System, University of Utah – who have funding under the NSTIC grant for significant MFA deployments. It may also include the availability of some limited consulting services, facilitation of campus events and outreach focused on MFA, help with documentation, and perhaps other ideas that are generated within the Cohortium itself, all targeted at the participating institutions.

Several "sub-Cohortiums" (working groups) may be formed within the larger Cohortium to focus on particular topics and/or based on "clustering" of mutual interests and concerns as identified from the "One Pager" Proposal Submissions from the participating campuses. The need for other sub-Cohortiums may also arise in the course of the overall work of the Cohortium.

Cohortium Goals and Outcomes

Program Expectations

"One Pager" Participation Submission Information

Interested institutions should submit a document (one page is sufficient) describing:

Two easy ways to create this "one pager" and submit as an application to join the Cohortium are:

There may be a limit to the number of institutions that are accepted to participate, but there will be no limit to the number of participants from each accepted institution. (A campus team approach is encouraged, with key stakeholders represented.)

About the Internet2 Scalable Privacy Project

The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) initiative is a "White House initiative to work collaboratively with the private sector, advocacy groups and public-sector agencies" with the goal of advancing the "NSTIC vision that individuals and organizations adopt secure, efficient, easy-to-use, and interoperable identity credentials to access online services in a way that promotes confidence, privacy, choice and innovation." The Internet2 Scalable Privacy Project (ScalePriv) is one of five pilot projects to receive funding from the first round of pilot funding in September 2012. The ScalePriv Project contains several major thrusts around identity and privacy, including a focus on promoting the adoption of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) across Higher Education institutions. The ScalePriv Project includes three partially supported leadership deployments of MFA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Texas System, and the University of Utah, as well as the commitment of building the MFA Cohortium described in this Call for Participation.

For more detailed information on the MFA Cohortium, please visit the Details on the Multi-factor Authentication Cohortium effort page.