
The WS-Addressing specification and its SOAP binding provide a way to represent information about a web service endpoint in XML using the <wsa:EndpointReference> element.

Section 2.3 of the ID-WSF Discovery Service Specification defines a profile of this mechanism that carries additional information relevant to securing web services, without the complexity of the WS-SecurityPolicy standard.

The data specific to ID-WSF is encapsulated in the <wsa:Metadata> extension point, and includes identifiers that describe the type of service offered, the SAML entityID of the service, and one or more <disco:SecurityContext> elements that identify the "security mechanism" and associated token(s) to use with the service. In this way, the consumer of a service can choose to implement particular mechanisms and can dynamically select the right ones at runtime when contacting different services.

The full range of predefined mechanisms is found in the ID-WSF Security Mechanisms Core Specification and can be extended as needed.

Relevance to Solution

For the purposes of our use case, we will pass Endpoint References conforming to this profile in a SAML attribute in which the Name of the attribute corresponds to the value found in the EPR's <disco:ServiceType> element. These EPRs will typically be used to identify the endpoint at which the Identity Provider's ID-WSF Single Sign-On Service lives, and how it is secured.

Endpoint Reference Example

A typical EPR mightlook like this:

<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
  <wsa:Metadata xmlns:disco="urn:liberty:disco:2006-08">
    <disco:Abstract>ID-WSF Single Sign-On Service</disco:Abstract>
    <sbf:Framework xmlns:sbf="urn:liberty:sb" version="2.0"/>
      <sec:Token xmlns:sec="urn:liberty:security:2006-08" ref="#ID" usage="urn:liberty:security:tokenusage:2006-08:SecurityToken"/>