These are some use cases for the Groups API.

(All examples are non-normative)

Shibboleth IdP.

An IdP queries the GWS for all groups that a user is a member of.  It uses the name and other attributes to generate isMemberOf and eduPersonEntitlement attributes.  Two examples:

Simple memberOf assertions.

Idp does a GET search for groups where the user is an effective member, requesting name attribute.

Computes memberOf assertion values: . .
Computed eduPersonEntitlement assertions.

Idp does a GET search for groups where the user is an effective member, requesting specific course attributes: year quarter, SLN.

Computes eduPersonEntitlement assertion values:
. . .
Web application member list.

A web application uses groups for its membership list.  Users can self-enroll.  Authn is provided by a local SSO login, Shib login at an InCommon federation site, or by a Google login.  In the first case a local netid is the user's identity; in the second it is an ePPN; in the third an email address. The three cases might have uris like "id:users_local_id", "eppn:users_remote_eppn", "email:users_email_address".

  1. On authn, check if the remote user is already a member
  2. If not,
    1. if local user, PUT member to group
    2. else:
      1. PUT remote subject to group system
      2. PUT remote subject to group as member
Web application with user managed groups.

As part of its services, a web application allows its users to create and manage groups of other users and groups.  For this it provides a simple, custom group UI.  An example might be a classroom tool that allows instructors to create groups containing registered students plus drop-ins and other add-ons.

The application administers a stem in the group service.  It creates a sub-stem for each user.  Any groups created for the user are on that user stem.User stem name might be: app_stem_name + separator + user_id.

  1. When the user enters the site, check for existing groups:
    1. GET stem by name for the user stem.
    2. GET search for existing groups with "stem=user's_stem_name".
  2. When the user adds a member to one of her groups:
    1. PUT the member to the group
  3. When a user creates a group:
    1. if no user stem yet:
      1. PUT the stem.
    2. PUT the group