Scribing Template --Friday, Oct 5, 2012 at 8:45am -- Salon 5

TOPIC:  scaling metadata mngment & 

CONVENER: David Simonsen

SCRIBE: Chris phillips

# of ATTENDEES: 40


NOTE: these notes are freeflowing captured

How do we manage trust at scale of thousands (hundreds of thousands) of Service Providers & Identity providers

Areas of Interest:

Metadata files

Q: M Gettes: How do communities form?

Q.  Scott C:  what do people have in mind around concepts.


MG:I would like to publish 

Tom B:  What are the other factors (scholorship).

Attribute Authority for metadata

People want to be able to control and publish their own metadata.  --> good, but why should I believe any of it?

should distribution and trust be sp

contexts in which trusts exists on the internet around identity providers and resource providers, not the any-person on the internet2

Q: Is this organizational trust or personal trust conversation?

it is about organizational trust.


"trust is binary" & software needs to present a decision to the user.

The conversation is scoped to: 

Observation: There are issues with distributing trust around with files.

Why files? Because DNS could not been used

Important aspects of trust distribution


enumeration of possible methods:


about find & get there

users do not want 'us' to tell them what or where they can go.

Q.ChrisP(online only)Is this a currated environment?

Observation TomB:  have a way to prevent this from being subverted.

Observation: Scott C: this conversation needs to take into consideration non web as well.

Scott C:  eduroam has a model that is being used <netid>@<realm> and maybe that 'is it'.  What can be learned from this area

Observation:  will domain based hinting be beneficial

Steve Carmody: can we split the path?


Tim Johnson: What about ipv6?

Observation: Does not give identity based networking

Trust anchor part of the conversation

What is the underlying trust model

What kind of flow are we seeking?

Selfpublishing is distributed

Organizational publishing

How to trust change in the ecosystem

Managing authority and access 

items are delegation and attestation, forming a decision is the union of these and the evaluation of them by software is the problem

Do we have the right authorities

What is the trust anchor model for the endpoints in the system?

systems at the endpoints don't want to deal with multiple trust paths because it's hard and let the path figure out.



REFEDS is the venue & more face to face involvement.

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Thank you!