Minutes, K12-JTF Call, 18-July-2012


Steve Olshansky, Internet2 (Chair)   
Jim Siegl, Fairfax County Public Schools  
Lee Cummings, Rockingham County Schools, NC   
Keith Krueger, CoSN     
Mark Scheible, MCNC    
David Dennis, Merit Network      
Dan Balocca, McGraw Hill   
James Werle, Internet2     
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)

New Action Items

[AI] (Keith), in connection with SteveO, will reach out to his contacts at the state and national level to join future calls.
[AI] (Lee) will create a case study from a district perspective.

[AI] (Jim) will create a case study for Fairfax/ This might focus on the Shib aspect,
with thought towards federation down the road

Carry Over Action Items

[AI] (SteveO and Denise) will develop a paragraph for Keith to pass along to solicit use cases
from the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA)

[AI] (Jim) send to the list a link to the story on Fairfax and a potential virtual high school

[AI] (Jim) share textbook contact wording around single sign in

[AI] (Jim) get a volunteer with an instructional hat to read the primer and provide feedback.http://www.cosn.org/Portals/7/docs/Publications/CoSNK-12ID5-15.pdf


Planning for 15-August Call with NASCIO

- Our 15-August call will focus on National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO)http://www.nascio.org/aboutNASCIO/index.cfm
- Goal is to learn about their IdM activities and possible synergies with K-12 schools and/or higher-ed.
- Chad Grant, NASCIO policy analyst, will join us on that 15-Aug. call.      
- Info on the NASCIO State Digital Identity Working Group is:http://www.nascio.org/committees/digitalID/

- Where is the center of gravity going to be for K12 Federation?
- At state, regional, or district level?
- Some school districts are pursing SAML to further their activity in Google apps for Education
- possibly about 2/3 of  those districts work through vendors, using an off the shelf SAML solution
- on the textbook front, federation is not yet gaining substantial traction
- Once SAML is in place, it's less of a hurdle to move to federated Identity

Dan: McGraw Hill is seeing some SAML requests. As this builds traction, McGraw Hill hopes to accommodate. New to this area, still learning what customers are looking for.

-is there  a direct relationship with NASCIO members and state Departments of Education?
- not sure, it may vary from state to state

- it could be a good thing if federations emerged at state or regional level to be an umbrella for early adopter districts

- Vendors are going to prefer to interact with fewer rather than multiple federations

- some districts could be role models or leaders in federation or in using SAML.

- the value proposition becomes more apparent when  there are more members accessing a shared resource

- On the August call, we should ask guest from NASCIO his view of where the states and Depts of Ed are on federated ID

- is the state level useful, or if we should look up to the regional, to roll up one level?

- the teachers in the school districts are sometimes considered state employees
- they might have services available as a state employee
- could take advantage of state service providers, for benefits, etc.
- so there could be some overlap between state and educational infrastructure

- would be helpful to learn more about what the Gates foundation, Carnegie Foundation, SLI and the State Education Technology Directors Assn  (SETDA), and US Dept of Ed are doing around federation and OPEN ID.

[AI] Keith will reach out to his contacts at the state and national level, in connection with SteveO, to join future calls.

K-12 Federated Identity Management Roadmaphttps://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/K12FedIAMTF/K-12+Roadmap

- Mark has been working on improvements to the roadmap
- moved glossary to a separate page https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/K12FedIAMTF/Terminology+-+Glossary

- At the top of the roadmap, there is a block panel with an outline
- it would be helpful if someone adds content to make it more of a narrative instead of just an outline

- Please give Mark suggestions on the roadmap or feel free to edit the wiki

Use Cases / Case Studies

- Development of use cases is an important next step
- it will be useful to have
    - district use cases
    -  state or national use cases
     - a use case for the SLI project

see the draft NCTrust case study:https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/download/attachments/30247798/NCTrust+Case+Study+17Jul2012.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1342632004488

[AI] (Lee) will create a case study from a district perspective.

[AI] (Jim) will create a case study for Fairfax/ This might focus on the Shib aspect,
with thought towards federation down the road


Note: Proposal for a session to focus on K12 Federation at Internet2 2012 Fall Member Meeting was not accepted

Next Call: 15-Aug-2012 at 3pm ET (3rd Wed.)