A Roadmap to K-12 Federated Identity Management

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Write up on K-12 Federation versus Higher Education? (Need a narrative form, but here's an outline to start)

An Outline for K-12 Federated Identity Management

•Baseline requirements for Running an IdP •Underlying IAM infrastructure (Accounts & minimal attributes) •Value proposition for districts (not much at the district level) •Reduced cost through shared applications •Reduced/Single Sign On to ? (some cloud services?) •District or State “Shared” applications – SPs (Value Proposition) •Availability of client machines for all students (1:1)? •BYOD/T (Bring Your Own Device/Technology)? •Currently not a “given” •Next few years may see a higher percentage of K-12 students with clients •Moving from a district-focused effort to a state-wide or national effort would improve the chances for success


See Glossary

Use Cases

Good set of examples for using Federated Identity Management (FIM):

Case Studies

Existing K-12/K-20 FIM implementations

Benefits (Value Proposition) for K-12

Districts, Schools, Users:
State-level (DOE/DPI):
(Your thoughts here)


Next Steps