Internet2 has bestowed its 2012 Presidents Award to R.L. "Bob" Morgan, co-chair of the InCommon Technical Advisory Committee, chair of the Middleware Architecture Council for Education (MACE), and one of the architects of InCommon. Bob is a senior information architect at the University of Washington. The award recognizes individuals from Internet2's membership for their exemplary service for the benefit of the national and global research and education community.

"Much of the success of the Internet2 middleware work is due to it leveraging the remarkable expertise of the people in the community," said Ken Klingenstein, director of the Internet2 Middleware and Security Initiative. "Among those smart people have been a few who have added wisdom to the mix. And among those precious few wise folks, there has been one who provides the light to it all. That one person is R.L. 'Bob' Morgan."

See the entire release and a few pictures of Bob.