Draft Minutes: COmanage-TAC call 13-April-2012


Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (chair)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Scott Koranda, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and LIGO
Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Steve Oshansky, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)

*New Action Items*

[AI] (Heather) advise Ken on which SMM sessions are key for Kevin and Dane to attend.  (DONE)

*Carry Over Action Items*

[AI] (Ken) will follow up with Scott and Wendy Huntoon about a session at the I2MM

[AI] (Heather) will set up meetings with IRODS/iPlant/Internet2

[AI] (Steven) will develop a one-page write-up on attribute aggregation.


GlobusWORLD 2012


- Ken attended GlobusWorld2012 at Argonne National Lab, April 10-12
- Globus Collaborate will have a regular and a premium version.
- They are planning a release around end of 2012.
- Enrollment was discussed and Ken shared the enrollment flowchart
- Ken pointed people to the domestication wiki and there was interest in that.
- It's important to talk about how to maintain the domestication wiki going forward
- The SURFnet team has plans to update it soon
- There is interest in Group APIs and in how CMPs can work together

- Ken had discussion around NSF-Funded Dark Energy Survey
- They may have potential interest in a service instance of a collaboration platform
- We'll know more after SMM if a COmanage service instance looks like a priority


PTF as Potential VO


- Scott reported on a new astronomy VO at Cal Tech
- they want some collab management such as wikis, email servers
- they are not  interested in a hosted solution
- Scott's group at UW-Milwaukee may be offering some support


2012 SMM

Ken noted that Kevin and Dane Skow will at 2012 SMM

[AI] Heather suggest SMM sessions to Ken for Kevn and Dane to attend. (done)

2012 SMM

- COmanage Developers meeting: Sunday, April 22, starting at 10am

- REFEDs BoF : Sunday, April 22, from 1pm - 5pm, Salon C

- COmanage WG, Monday, April 23, 9:15-10:15 am, Salon A

- Collaboration is Happening: Updates from the Field and Beyond, Tuesday, April 24 at 3pm, Jefferson Room

- Scott Koranda will participate in panel on April 23 on "Research and Education Networks in India"http://events.internet2.edu/2012/spring-mm/agenda.cfm?go=session&id=10002240&event=1036

- Heather is coordinating a meeting during SMM between the COmanage people and Grouper team.


CNI Scholarly Identity Workshop, April 4 in Baltimore


- Ken reported this workshop was very interesting
- They look at disambiguating identities and author IDs
- There was a follow up call about data access agency work  
- Cliff will run a workshop around that
- Need to get functional requirements from researchers about lifecycle of data


On-boarding and Off-boarding from a VO Perspective

If anyone has comments on Heather's "On-boarding and Off-boarding from a VO perspective"
 email of 10-April-2012, please send your feedback to her.


Next COmanage-TAC call: Friday, May 11, 2012 at 2pm ET