About Enrollment Flows

Every organization has one or more ways of bringing new people into that organization. There are a number of terms used to describe this process: application, enrollment, intake, invitation, petition, signup, etc. These processes vary significantly across organizations.

Registry has a fully customizable mechanism for representing these processes, and translating them into ways to bring people into a CO's population. These processes are known as Enrollment Flows, and the artifacts created by the execution of these processes are known as Petitions. Each CO can define as many Enrollment Flows as it needs to reflect its specific processes.

Enrollment Flows are generally intended for interactive, human driven processes. For automated, system-to-system processes, see External Identity Sources.

Enrollment Flow Actors

Enrollment Flows can have different types of participants, or Actors:

Different types of Enrollment Flows may have different Actor relationships. For example, in a self-signup flow the Petitioner and Enrollee are the same. An invitation flow might not have an Approver.

Configuring Enrollment Flows

Enrollment Flows consist of a series of one or more Enrollment Flow StepsEnrollment Flow Steps are almost completely Plugin based, except for the start step that begins a Flow and the finalize step that ends a Flow. (These two steps are always run, and are not configured as part of the flow.) There is no conceptual difference between the Enroller Plugins that are shipped out of the box and any custom Plugins that are written for a local deployment.

New Enrollment Flows are created via ConfigurationEnrollment FlowsAdd a New Enrollment Flow. A few settings are configured directly on the Enrollment Flow itself:

Enrollment Flow Steps

Once the initial Enrollment Flow configuration is saved, a link to Enrollment Flow Steps will become available. Each Step has some basic settings:

Additional Plugin specific configurations may be available once the Step is saved.

Note that a given Plugin can be instantiated in multiple Steps. For example, it is possible to use the AttributeCollector plugin to collect attributes from the Petitioner, and then have a later step collect additional attributes from the Enrollee.

Operational records are not created until the finalization step. This includes the overall Person record.

Available Enroller Plugins

PluginDescriptionAvailable Since
Attribute CollectorRequest attributes related to the Enrollee

Running Enrollment Flows

Starting a Flow

The URL to start an Enrollment Flow can be found using the Start link from the Enrollment Flow configuration. This link can be used directly, eg by an Administrator, or can be sent via an appropriate channel (email, posting on a web site, etc) for self service. Starting an Enrollment Flow is subject to Petitioner Authorization, described above.

The Petition artifact is created at the end of the start step, before the first Plugin is called.

Resuming a Flow

Normally, the sequence of Enrollment Flow Steps will be executed by either redirecting the current Actor to the next Step, or sending a Notification to the appropriate Actor when the Actor Type changes. Sometimes, Petitions get "stuck", eg because an Actor didn't receive a Notification, or forgot to act on it. It is possible to resume a Petition by selecting the Resume action from the Petition list. This will show a list of all Steps within the Enrollment Flow for the Petition. 

A Step that has already run can be rerun using the same mechanism. (The available actions will be Rerun for Steps that have already completed, or Continue for the next Step that has not yet run.) After a Step is rerun, the Flow will continue at the next Step that has not yet run, however this behavior is not final and may change in a future release. A Step that has not yet run (and is not the next Step to run) cannot be started early.

Keep in mind that different Steps may have different Actor Types, and so the actual process for resuming a Flow may depend on the Actor Type. For example, if the Petitioner has contacted the Helpdesk for assistance with a stuck Petition, the correct action might be for the Helpdesk agent to copy the Continue link and email it to the Enrollee, rather than click on the link themself or send it to the Petitioner.

See Also

Changes From Earlier Versions

As of Registry v5.0.0