
Registry PE Enrollment Flows have been completely redesigned. Instead of a complex, proprietary, mostly fixed workflow, Enrollment Flows are now plugin based, making them highly flexible. While the overall design is much simpler, there are significant implementation details to keep track of; those are described in this TID. 


There are three types of Actors defined:

  1. The Petitioner is the person who initiated the Enrollment Flow. The Petitioner need not be a registered Person, and can be anonymous.
  2. The Enrollee is the person who is the subject of the Enrollment Flow, ie: the person being Enrolled. The Enrollee might be a registered Person for certain types of Flows (eg: Account Linking or Additional Role Enrollment). The Petitioner and Enrollee could be the same person.
  3. The Approver is the Person who approves a Petition. A Petition can have more than one Approver, and more than one Person can be eligible to Approve a Petition. Approvers must be registered People. The Approver cannot be the Enrollee, and should not be the Petitioner.

An unregistered Actor does not have a corresponding Person record.

An unauthenticated Actor does not have a strongly authenticated Identifier provided by the web server.

Plugin Based Architecture and Flow

An Enrollment Flow consists of two "anchors" (start and finalize) and one or more instantiated plugins. start always runs, and each instantiated plugin runs in the configured order. finalize only runs if all plugins complete successfully.

Step Processing

Each instantiated Step has an Actor type configured to indicate who should run the step.

Each instantiated Step must have a unique ordr value (AR-EnrollmentFlowStep-1) so that the next step may be deterministically calculated, and so that the authorization for finalize can be calculated (see below).

Step Handoff

When a Step is completed, what happens next depends on whether the next Step has the same configured Actor as the Step that just finished. If so, a redirect directly to the next Step is issued. If not, a Notification is generated to the next Actor, and the current Actor is redirected to a landing page.

Step handoff is performed by EnrollmentControllerTrait::transitionToStep(). The next Step to perform is calculated by EnrollmentFlowsTable::calculateNextStep().

Resuming a Petition

Enrollment Flows can be resumed, and Enrollment Flow Steps can be rerun, subject to the following constraints:

  1. A Petition considered complete (see Petition Status, below) cannot be resumed.
  2. A Step cannot be resumed if it has not yet run, unless it is the next Step to run.
  3. The anchors can not be rerun.

Until a Petition is finalized, Plugins should allow actors to update their previously entered data, and should not update operational data.

Petition resumption is performed by PetitionsController::resume(), and is available via the Petition view.


The main Petition artifact itself is now quite thin, with only a few core attributes such as the overall Petition status and information about some of the Actors.

Petition Email Address

Enrollment Flows can be configured to Collect Enrollee Email. When enabled, the Petitioner will be prompted to enter an email address for the Enrollee when starting the Flow. This email address does not automatically become part of the operational record, it is stored in the Petition for purposes of handing off to an unregistered Enrollee. This setting is intended for Flows that will register new users, Flows that will act on existing People should use the Person Selector plugin or a self service Flow where the Petitioner is the Enrollee.

Petition Status

The anchor steps are only responsible for two Petition statuses:

  1. When start creates a new Petition, the Petition status is set to PetitionStatusEnum::Created.
  2. When finalize completes a Petition, the Petition status is set to PetitionStatusEnum::Finalized.

All other statuses are set by plugin steps.

Several statuses can mark a Petition as completed: Declined, Denied, Duplicate, Failed, and Finalized. Petitions in any of these statuses are considered read only and cannot be resumed.

Authentication and Identification

Where possible, Enrollment Flows will use the integrated web server authentication to strongly identify actors. Actors need not be registered. If authentication is not available, a Petition-specific token will be issued. The order of preference is:

  1. Authenticated user with a corresponding Person ID.
  2. Authenticated, unregistered user. (The web server user Identifier will be stored in the Petition.)
  3. Petition Token.

Approvers can only be identified using a corresponding Person ID, unregistered Approvers are not supported.

Token Generation

A token will be generated and attached to the Petition the first time EnrollmentControllerTrait::transitionToStep() needs to hand off to an unauthenticated Enrollee. For unauthenticated Petitioners, this will take place immediately after completion of start. Otherwise, for unauthenticated Enrollees, this will take place on the first Step configured for an Enrollee Actor.

Token Validation

Token validation is handled by EnrollmentControllersTrait::getCurrentActor(), when

  1. There is a valid Petition in the request.
  2. There is no authenticated identifier provided by the web server.
  3. There is a token in the request.
  4. There is a token stored in the Petition.

When a token is validated, the Actor is assigned the following roles:

An Actor authenticated by a token can be assigned both Petitioner and Enrollee roles, if appropriate.

Token Disuse

Once an authenticated identifier or Person ID is attached to the Petition, the token will no longer be used. This will typically happen at finalization, when operational attributes are created from the Petition attributes (and a Person record is created for new Enrollees), but it could happen sooner in accordance with plugin configurations.

willHandleAuth and calculatePermission

RegistryAuthComponent offers two hooks for controllers to customize authentication and authorization capabilities. willHandleAuth() is called before web server authentication might be triggered, and the controller can then return one of several flags to affect behavior. The controller can indicate that it will handle both authentication and authorization, in which case RegistryAuthComponent will not trigger web server authentication. calculatePermission() is called after authentication, to give the controller an opportunity to perform authorization.

This complicates things for Petition handling, since whether or not to use a Petition Token will be used must be determined in willHandleAuth. (This generally applies to Plugin dispatch and Petition finalize actions, as start does not require a token to get started.) To do so, the requested Petition and Enrollment Flow Step are examined. Petition::useToken() contains the relevant logic, which is basically if the requested Actor role is Petitioner or Enrollee (Approvers cannot be authenticated via tokens) and there is no authenticated Identifier or Person ID in the Petition, then Token authentication is permitted.


Starting a Flow

Authorization to start an Enrollment Flow is controlled by the Petitioner Authorization configuration on the Enrollment Flow.

If the Enrollment Flow configuration allows for unregistered users (None or Any Authenticated User), the Petitioner is also considered to be the Enrollee.

Executing an Enrollment Flow Step

While each plugin implements its own dispatch action, generally plugin controllers should extend StandardEnrollerController, which implements common authorization via willHandleAuth() and calculatePermission().

Finalizing a Petition

The Actor Type for finalize is determined from the last step configured to run. This implies (1) there must be at least one instantiated step and (2) there cannot be multiple steps that jump to finalize.

Viewing a Petition

PetitionsController and the related view are responsible only for basic Petition metadata. Each Plugin implements a display action that renders Plugin-specific information. Currently, only CO Administrators can view Petitions.

To simplify link generation, the URL /petitions/result/x?enrollment_flow_step_id=y will redirect to /plugin/controller/display/z?petition_id=x.

See Also