The InCommon Assurance Program will open for business on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 with a webinar describing the criteria and process for certification. The webinar will take place at 2 pm (ET); connection information is included at the end of this announcement.

The assurance program certifies campuses, not-for-profit research organizations and sponsored partners that meet the identity and credential management requirements for specific profiles or practices. Central to the certification process is the Assurance Advisory Committee, comprised of community members that will make certification recommendations to the InCommon Steering Committee.

InCommon has two published sets of practices, Bronze and Silver, which align with the US government’s NIST levels 1 and 2, respectively. Bronze has a security level that slightly exceeds the confidence associated with a common Internet identity. Silver has a security level appropriate for financial transactions.

More than 15 campuses intend to apply for Silver certification in 2012, anticipating the use of applications from the National Institutes of Health, the National Student Clearinghouse, and other service providers. Several community-developed resources have been contributed to the Assurance wiki, most notably a cookbook for using Microsoft’s Active Directory to comply with the Silver Profile as well as Multi-factor Authentication Guidance for Silver, both developed by the CIC InCommon Silver working group.

The February 29 webinar will introduce the assurance program, outline certification requirements, and review the certification process.

Here are the details on the assurance webinar:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / Noon MT / 11 am PT

Slides, audio, and chat at

Back-up phone bridge information (in case of audio problems):
734-615-7474 (preferred), or
866-411-0013 (toll-free US and Canada)
PIN: 0194936
