Draft Minutes: COmanage-TAC call 14-Oct-2011


Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (Chair)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Benn Oshrin, Internet2
Scott Koranda, U. Wisconsin - Milwaukee (LIGO)
Steven Carmody, Brown
Steve Olshansky, Internet2

*New Action Items*

[AI] (Heather) will setup meetings with IRODS/iPlant/Internet2 in January
[AI] (Heather) will talk with MichaelG about Internet2/Box.net use cases/coordination for federated groups

Carry Over Action Items

[AI] (Heather) will check  that everything in simple glossary is also in MACE glossary.   https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/macepaccman/Another+Glossary+Page
[AI] (Steven) will send Ken details on the Commerce Dept. safe harbor issue.
[AI] (Keith) will check whether the Project Bamboo IAM infrastructure work plan is available on the wiki, and if yes, he will send the group a link. WILL DO THAT
[AI] (Ken) will send out a link to the Eve Maler presentation from the July 2011 Cloud Identity Summit.
[AI] (Keith) will start a problem statement on the need for a "virtual Switzerland."
[AI] (Keith) will send a pointer to OpenSearch information
[A] (Ken) will provide a link to the French listing regarding applications and sets/bundles of attributes.   
[AI] (Steven) will develop a one-page write-up on attribute aggregation.


 2011 Fall Member Meeting Recap

- Heather reported that the FMM COmanage-related sessions went well
- Univ of Florida may be interested in engaging with COmanage in some capacity
- The Univ of Florida system CIO attended the COmanage WG session on Monday, and a Univ. of Florida architect attended the Wed. track session
- We do not yet know what the Univ of Florida use cases are

Different Styles of CMP


- Heather created a wiki page titled "VOs and CMPs" to help illuminate some of the differences between the various CMPs
- Benn: need to clear up the terminology of where the application is running    
    - Whether apps are "hosted" or are distributed across member sites can be confusing

- ScottK:  Diagram is helpful, but the  "local IDs" term isn't quite right
     - local IDs mean one geographic institution, this is not the case for LIGO
     -  ScottK will help brainstorm better terminology there.

Ken: It is worth noting that there have been two versions of the SURFconext videohttp://www.surfnet.nl/en/Thema/coin/Pages/default.aspx
- The version linked now from the SURFnet site  is more enterprise-centric.
- It emphasizes taking apps in the cloud and the local apps and integrating them in the SURFconext context

- The original video was more VO centric, and showed a global people picker
- People picker works more easily in the enterprise case

- Both enterprise focus and VO focus are important, and you can use same CMP infrastructure for both
- We may need to characterize "COmanage in the enterprise" versus "COmanage in the VO,"  just as SURFconext has
- Need to appeal to the different use cases in a slightly different fashion

- Heather: we talk about COmanage as a Service vs as a Platform
   - and now also COmanage in VO versus COmanage in Enterprise

- Benn: we need a series of examples
- maybe there is a multi-columned grid here and we are talking about different CMP characteristics

Q: what is the use case for an Enterprise COmanage?
A:  A university wants to support all its collaborations, and  inviting external people is NOT the primary orientation,
  - could be a campus committee trying to decide on tenure
  - could be a group doing external review of departments

- Steven noted that at Brown, Fedora is being used for such enterprise collaboration purposes

Q: Heather: should more levels / characteristics be added to the "VOs and CMPs" wiki page?

A: Ken: there is question of how an external app gets informed of group memberships , etc.
how to get provisioned

VO Updates


Heather reported there was a call with IPLANT earlier in the week
Nirav has a good team, is at the stage of wanting to be sure the right tools are being selected and that technical questions are addressed
Conversations will move forward around the IRODS work
[AI] (Heather) will setup meetings with IRODS/iPlant/Internet2 in January


- Steven reported the ESWN turned out not to be a good fit for COmanage


- Heater has reached out to LTER  around SAVI (NSF Science Across Virtual Institutions) http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/savi/index.jsp


- Efforts are moving along will towards the March 2012 COmanage release for LIGO

Ken's Comments

- Back to discussion of VO-Centric versus Enterprise-Centric CMP,
the time spent working  on the enrollment issues for LIGO  illustrates the complexity around enrollment for VO-centric CMPs.

- Enrollment issues will be important in IPLANT also

- There was talk at FMM (and on a recent MACE call) about Activity Streams.
This is a good topic to discuss with the SURFnet folks.

- There may be a Fall EUROcamp prior to some other meetings in Amsterdam, this meeting could look at CMPs
- There is an EMC2 meeting in  Bologna, Italy, 7-8 November 2011
- EMC2 is the group that handles technology issues, where as REFEDS focuses on federated identity
- What is the best venue for international conversation on Grouper APIs and federated groups?

- Benn: Grouper APIs are easier to talk about

- Ben the work on FIFER around Group APIs is waiting for a use case and somebody to help drive it forward
  - just doing a proof of concept is not a good use of our time

Q: : Could Box.net be a group API use case?

[AI] (Heather) will talk with MichaelG about Internet2/Box.net use cases/coordination for federated groups

- Federated Groups is more than groups with federated members, but use cases are not clearly spelled out yet.
- The idea of federated groups may come into play in the future for VIRGO and LIGO collaboration

Next COmanage-TAC call: Friday, 28-Oct-2011 at 2pm ET