
Middle Mile Workshop

October 3, 2011

Raleigh Convention Center
500 South Salisbury Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601

Hosted by U.S. UCAN

Attendees:      Individuals involved the NTIA / BTOP awards who are interested in meeting

and working with their colleagues from other awards to address issues, best

practices and building relationships with other award winners.

Cost:                There is no cost to attend this workshop

Time:              8:00 am to Noon

Registration:  Registration is required so that we can ensure appropriate space and

                        arrangements.   You can register for the workshop by sending an email to:

Please include your full name, institution, title and your BTOP project.

You will receive a confirmation of you registration by return email.

Agenda:          The Draft Agenda follows.  Experts from the Community Anchors such as

Health, Libraries, Museums and Public Safety will join us for this workshop

and government officials from NTIA and other agencies are expected to be


Middle Mile Workshop

Hosted by U.S. UCAN

October 3, 2011

Raleigh, North Carolina

Draft Agenda

George Loftus of OSHEAN will be the emcee for the meeting.

8:00                Welcome       

                                    Laura Dodson (NTIA/BTOP) (invited)

                                    Mark Johnson                                   

8:15                Federal programs and goals including BTOP, U.S. UCAN and IGNITE

                                    Mark Luker  (Invited)

Networking and Information Technology

Research and Development (NITRD)

            Laura Dodson  (NTIA/BTOP) (invited)

9:15                Work groups each to consider an assigned topic relating to working with

                        the government programs to meet the goals and still be successful.

                                    Topic areas might include:  

                                                Mutual outreach to Anchor Institutions

                                                Meeting unfunded expectations

                                                Messages to elected officials


                        Each group will give a report of the key points they discussed

10:00              Break

10:20              Discussion with Community Anchor Experts to address

issues, needs and opportunities

                                    Public Safety                         




            Each Work Group will consider and report on the needs and

 approaches for their community.  Topics will be recommended such as:

                                    Establishing SLAs

                                    Tailoring outreach messages


11:20              Open discussion of legislative and other challenges to the BTOP programs.

11:45              U. S. UCAN Task Force on Economic Models Final Report